CRM Cultural Resource Management Title Image

Volume 17
No. 05

General Issue

17 - 05  Cover Image

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The Roving National Historic Landmark--Jeremiah O’Brian -
A Successful Public-Private Partnership
Foster, Kevin J.

The Old Wheeling Custom House -
Modern Structural Analysis Meets Historic Needs
Winant, Ed

The Institute
Weiner, Deborah R.

Preservation Partners Working Together for a New Library
Moore, Sandy

Preserving Our Nuclear History -
A “Hot” Topic
Athearn, Frederic J.

National Park Service Theme Study in American Labor History
Bachin, Robin E.; Grossman, James R.

Architectural Salvage -
Historical Tradition or Chronological Confusion
Rosier, Carol

Cultural Resource Management -
Understanding Diverse Perspectives
Kiefer, Kathy

The Advantages of Volunteer-Assisted Research
James-Duguid, Charlene

Historic Preservation and the African American Community
Wilson, Patricia

Are We Losing Authenticity to Recover Appearances?
Weeks, Kay D.

Archival and Manuscript Materials at the NPS
Vogt-O’Connor, Diane

Park History Advisory Committee -
Draft Statement of Goals and Accomplishments
Mackintosh, Barry

The National Maritime Alliance
Foster, Kevin J.

Telecommunications Networks and Internet in the NPS
Chittenden, Betsy

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