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a new podcast is born: (a weekly show about all sorts of aspects about personal data portability)
@betsyweber unfortunarely not. deadlines are hunting me. I hope to be on more such events next year :-)
@betsyweber ah, you are in Paris, too. Have fun there! :-)
Der OpenWeb-Podcast hat nun auch einen Chatraum: Kommt alle!
cleaned up the recording from last Barcamp about Scrum a bit, did an intro and now rendering to harddrive as TopfShow #11
@4l3x thanks, will check it out!
@carstenpoetter well, so far probably everything from Seth Godin is worth a read and I am looking at Tactical Transparency by Shel Holtz
@mitchjoel looking forward to that book! :-) is there any date yet?
@cerro thanks :-) let's hope we figure it all out :-)
hey guys, what are good books on social media? I tend to forget their names so I ask you! :-)
So how do I actually signin with my Yahoo or OpenID account to Google Friend Connect?
trying to do my own intro music now ;-) that's probably not an easier task than finding some.
Is facebook connect really a win-win situation? My thoughts:
searching for some intromusic for that new podcast... actually that's a hard task!
heh, "Nature doesn't do bailouts" is indeed a great line.
more info on the virtual climate conference here (and ustream feed):
attending live broadcast from the UN Climate Conference in Poznan in SL:
die 7. Folge des OpenWeb-Podcasts ist jetzt geschnitten und bald dann auch online! Thema: OpenSocial.
The Plone Confernce 2009 will take place in Budapest October 28-30, 2009. Mark the date!
Plone Asia Pacific is launching:


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Krissy Bush Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Jason Shellen davegray Scott Fegette Matt Galligan Jerry Richardson Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Clint G Paul Morriss Colin Schlüter Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale thomasknoll Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Stewart Butterfield Cristiano Betta brady forrest Chaitanya Sagar Scott Hussein Rafer Halsted Justine Rich Nelson Minar Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Bill Palmer
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