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VW: "Canceling year-end parties is a hot holiday trend."
Just bought gas @$1.79 60% down from 6 months ago; speculators gone price is back down it was never "global" demand and still isnt
@missrogue The news said Wed and today is Wed.
"We’re sorry but your Gmail account is temporarily unavailable." hm...
We’re sorry but your Gmail account is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience and suggest trying again in a few minutes...
We’re sorry, but your Gmail account is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience and suggest trying again in a few minutes...
On the 40th anniversary of the PC Demo, AT&T disconnected my iPhone
The lines at Subway Sandwiches Location:
VW: "If the government hasn't investigated you, why should anyone listen to your stock tips?" Like a fin adviser who makes less than you.
Valleywag: "The celebrity-industrial complex" Good one!
I feel bad telling the Sony Tech Support guy I regret buying this Windows $%*!
Paying the Microsoft TAX (again): Oldest son has 5 month old Vaio and wireless jsut went POOF! So we're in Windows Hell with Sony Support.
Comcast, when I'm on hold cuz your service sucks, don't ask me "if I want to save money on my phone bill". Not in the mood just now...
Im hearing fireworks... hm
CNNMoney: 1.9 million jobs gone in 2008 << WOW!
@hrag Whoa! Cut back man...
Watching FAT PETS on Animal Planet... hm.
"Which Pakistan are you talking about?"
Gaaah! Me iPhone just rebooted...
@noaml Dude, looks like you've been bit by the Twitter bug of late :)


Noam Lovinsky Tara missrogue Hunt kavin620 Baher Al Hakim Rashmi Sinha Sean rick Jonathan Curtis Yumio Saneyoshi socksasgloves Bradley P. Allen Jack Berkowitz Moritz Stefaner Nathan Solomon Eldon Alameda Daniell Hebert Matt Hershenson Erik Andersson Keith Amodt D Suren M Manteau-Rao Lara Druyan kamokazi imp39 brian rue jbergen yesilmoda Cris Pierry tjmookiepa raroath akvmurali YouTube jeffmc David Kelso annshammas