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watching the yahoo hack day hackumentary film and they just showed a long clip of me listening to neal's keynote--i'm hacker-famous now! :)
annoyed that my TC comment got truncated when posted to FB via Connect, and there's no easy way to see the full text
finding the "new updates from your connections" notification banner in Pulse more helpful / cool than I expected (even though I wrote it!)
loving my dad's new and enthusiasic adoption of twitter, thanks to TwitterBerry! He's also got it syncing with Pulse, and he j ......
starting to see a lot more FriendConnect activity in my Pulse stream..from my friends on sites I've never seen before...the system works! :)
finishing up a late-night "home hackathon" with michelle in preparation for thanksgiving tomorrow (we're hosting 10+ friends, can't wait!)
two-day thanksgiving hackathon at plaxo = writing lots of code and listening to lots of music = happy and productive times! :)
filleted my own hamachi and made lots of nigiri with doug--zomg, it was amazing!! (he gets it direct from a japanese supplier at the docks)
yahoo OpenID now supports sreg for a few sites, including Plaxo! Auto-validated emails and registration pre-fill FTW!
is not convinced that any of the new Gmail themes are an improvement on their old UI (and changing my theme by default was kinda jarring) :/
relaxing this weekend with a hike thru brooks falls and mount montara with perfect views of the pacific and sf, plus dinner in HMB at sunset
attended my first OpenSocial Foundation board meeting, after another long / exciting day at IIW. Now today is OpenSocial's 1st bday party!
ZOMG so much progress last night at IIW on openid+oauth, desktop uses, unregistered oauth, openid head is exploding (in a good way)!
gave a new talk for the opening of IIW on why the Open Stack is greater than the sum of its parts: -- can't wait for tue!
stoked as always for IIW this mon-wed! This time I'm also giving one of the monday-afternoon intro talks on the Open Stack. See you there!
finished getting 3-legged oauth working in shindig-php with @chabotc this weekend--it's now a perfect Portable Contacts provider, yay!
@garyvee catching up on some wltv and i loved the episodes you did with randall grahm! casual but in-depth back & forth, great job, & go bd!
is digging plaxo's snazzy new UI makeover:
latest episode of is talkin' "people power" on this historic week, plus more sightings of the Open Stack:
is excited and humbled to join obama as another illinois man elected to office today (the OpenSocial Foundation board):


Evan Williams kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Dick Hardt a. vartan Noam Lovinsky Xeni Jardin Dave McClure Mr Messina adam jon Scott Beale Dave Morin Brittany Bohnet Cal Henderson Stikkit Tawheed Kader Tantek Çelik cody simms Bradley Horowitz Sandy Andy Baio photomatt Mel Kirk Brian Suda Alex Payne Sam Sethi Scott Kveton Kevin Marks Silona Jajah Frederik Hermann microformats Brad Fitzpatrick Kevin Rose
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