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School basketball double header. Boys MS and then Girls HS. Seeing three kids play two games in one hour is awesome. Thank god for subways
it's boxee day at AVC and Boxee invites, go here for 24 hour turnaround
@Goodlett i am going to write a whole post on my twitter poll this morning on 2009 online ad budgets. i'll twitter the link to you when i do
Surviving Meltdown quote: craft your business model to meet the needs of the market not to satisfy potential investors
Surviving Meltdown quote: pretend you are your successor and do what he or she would do
Headed to the Harvard Club to participate in a panel called Strategies for Thriving In a Market Meltdown. I"ll tweet the best ones I hear
twitterpoll: agency, mktg & ad sales ppl replies only pls: will ONLINE ad budgets in 2009 be flat, up, or down from 2008? tag w/ #2009budget
taking a cue from @andymonfried, twitter poll to follow
@gapingvoid i can't take any credit for that. @ev and @biz are closer to it. but it's the team of engineers and sys ops who deserve credit
@platshaw my favorite ricks picks are Smokra, Phat Beets, and Mean Beans
@kly3 it was a coincidence because i didn't read @ev's comments until i got to the office today. but we all know it's true and must change
Ricks Pickles on display at City Bakery FTW
Lunch w/ @fascinated. Talked abt berlin, music on the web, nomadic entrepreneurship and a bunch of other fun stuff
cyber monday holiday shopping was up 15% over last year online commerce is apparently holding up better than offline
Twitter is like single malt scotch - its an acquired taste
That jim grant quote is the compliment to my tweet yest am that $goog could easily pay a dividend and yield more than 30 year treasuries
RT: atask: "There's more risk in things ppl think are inherently safe (i.e. Treasuries) vs. the things ppl perceive as risky." - Jim Grant
@rfradin you win the impeachment trivia contest. not only was Andrew Johnson impeached (successfully in his case), he went on to the senate
@VCMike you might want to join this group: @vctips let @bryce know if you want in
@stevenbjohnson I got you beat by 6 lbs according to my physical today most I've ever weighed in at too. If we fight, we are cruiserweights


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Blaine Cook Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic Chris Sacca danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Dave McClure Raj Bala Rob Hayes seth goldstein Jason Calacanis Michael Sippey joshua schachter Martin Andrew Parker Reid Hoffman Stowe Boyd Eric Olson avner ronen Emily Chang greg cohn Snook Bradley Horowitz mark pincus Robert Scoble ian c rogers ben barren carl rahn griffith Sam Sethi scott partee
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