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It's snowing in Milan
Looks like my EOS 5D Mark II shipped... Can't wait to get home and play
looks like I need to jailbreak my phone...
Hotel router keeps going up and down. Front desk says it's the weather. Time to go read a book and maybe sleep some more.
Hotel network down again. Is there any way to use my iPhone or Android to connect my MacBook Pro to the Net?
Relaxing after finishing my 3.5 hour debate and my 2 hours talk today...
Going to debate the head of the Italian rights collection agency...
Proxy server at hotel is working now. Yay! Now I can enjoy the hotel. ;-)
This is one of the best hotels I've ever stayed at but the Internet has a super-annoying broken proxy for port 80 and I can't use the web
In rush hour traffic in Milan
I hate when they announce boarding on the screens when they actually aren't boarding...
@kenbrady the problem is that it could be soo many things. ;P
@tito Debating head of SIAE, CFMT EVENT. Via Decembrio 28 and Mediateca di Santa Teresa , Via Della Moscova 28
In Frankfurt on my way to Milan. Border guard called his boss after checking my passport and asked them something. I wonder what it was...
Packing to leave for Milan tomorrow...
Actually the grasshoppers were pretty good. Although I'm vegan so I won't be eating them regularly...
I was just forced to eat stewed grasshoppers...
New MacBook trackpad firmware update has made it much better.
@kwerb and @scrawford in Wikipedia "did you know..." today:
Time to pack and get ready to head to the airport. Flying to Tokyo today


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams sara Jason Goldman Jason Shellen danah boyd Mary Hodder seanbonner Xeni Jardin Richard Ault Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt enoch choi Michael Parekh Adam Hertz Scott Beale thomasknoll Jon Bohlinger Dave Winer GregElin Derek Powazek joshua schachter Stewart Butterfield Caterina Jyri Engeström Jason Fields Petteri Koponen Zack Rosen Nelson Minar Stowe Boyd Heath Row Emily Chang
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