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Sadly, I'm considerably sicker than I was yesterday.
Sick and feeling crappy.
Bettie Page hospitalized:
Sick and watching opening credits of Ladyhawke.... not entirely sure I am not hallucinating....
I was hoping to go to Krampusnacht at @tjcrowley's but I am too sick... came home from work early, sore throat, can't breathe. ick.
Wonderful piece on @slurketta by @violetblue in the Chron:
@TristanTaormino I think you meant SUV, but a SVU with a goat would be even weirder...
@WineWoman Thank you kindly :-)
The Bush dynasty continues:
@charliejane Thank you! [virtual curtsey]
My story "Spider Bites" is up for free at today only (well, till noon tomorrow) as part of their "Advent Calendar"!
@ChadSavage informs me that Forrest J. Ackerman (who was widely and erroneously reported as having passed away early in Nov) is very ill
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I'm thankful for the life of Harvey Milk, killed 30y ago today.
@ceciliatan I love Tuvan throat singing..
@raquelita Is that Jina Bacarr's Naughty Paris?
@AmeliaG A new term has indeed been coined... now rendered as Jason Statham making it with a hot cowsuit-wearing college chick.
Funny story about Twitter being messed up... what seems to destroy it is a post I keep trying to make about dating a woman in a cow suit.
@viviane212 asked if I like @FetLife -- I love it, have used it a lot, it is the only social networking tool I still enjoy. Huh huh. Tool.
Hi, Twitter. Are you still f*kked up?


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