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@khartline thank you muchly, cupcakes were delicious!
Mumbai bombing on Twitter. Sorry, last url was bad!
tracking mumbai bombing on Twitter. #mumbai
@SqueekyPenguin agreed. passing it on ;)
@julien51 have you seen ? It's useful for sharing lists of what apps you like. I've found a number of interesting apps that way
@nveeser wow, I haven't heard the blake babies in so long!
apps i cannot live without: Twitterrifc, MacJournal, CiphSafe. RemoteDesktop. (I'd add here, but it doesn't really count.) yours?
@slurketta Because there's a delete function? no point in editing, just post again.
Just rebuilt half the sound system at cat club. Something got into the cabling. Rats? Hoomans?home soon this sux
@vorpal I follow close to 500 people and read all I them, hourly.
bored now, spent the last two hours trying to solve a couple of impossible problems. food, anyone?
@grrrlie Someday someone will explain to me what is in the water here. People pay to stretch. It's like making croutons.
@melissagira 'interface' just isn't sexy enough, and moose knuckle is single-gendered. oh well.
@allspaw I like Gerber. They have replacable parts, but I haven't looked at the leatherman line in awhile...
noticing that somehow i've lost my multitool. it was a treasured possession but now it appears to be gone. argh. time to get another one.
@victoria Basil Canteen, Folsom and Eleventh. Too bad the food there is great!
@Viss I take it back, the divot was on the inside, so high velocity bullet from outside, as it was a neat hole.
@Viss I dunno, I managed to stick a ballpoint pen into the hole. It looked like 9mm, maybe smaller caliber. It appeared to come from inside!


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