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Tring to find the bomb-ass twitter app for android. eTweeter ain't it.
Waiting to load in at the Baltimore venue. @mc_lars is hating on my fresh new G1.
Eating an egg. Driving to Vienna for tonight's show.
Drunking with college students in Harrisonburg. They play drinking games that I was not previously familiar with. 200 followers from leet.
Getting a little sleep so that tomorrow's Harrisonburg show is not a zombie jamboree.
Chilling at a lake house maintained by some of YT's Digital Gangsters, near Charlotte. Soon, we dine. Tonight! We rule the stage.
Discovering we're not on till 11.
Kicking it with some full-speed internet, finally. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Pulling the two gigs of new nav data for Rosie. Upping the Grammarian vid.
Suggesting that you see the Atlanta screening of Nerdcore Rising AND our Marietta performance tonight. We'll be on after 10:30.
Made it to Epcott. Drink around the world, here we come.
Giving up on Disney World. Grrrrrr.
Posting five tracks from our recent LA show (and the whole set for VSP members) at
Transversing Florida for the sake of a li'l thing called NERDCORE, MOTHERFUCKERS.
Waiting for Router's late ass.
Riding up on some Houston TX with @BR4NDONP4TTON, @ytcracker, @MC_Lars, and some ppl who have no at signs.
Listening to Rivercrest Yacht Club at the Doublewide in Dallas. They are good!
Conceding that @MsJessKlein is better at spelling rooibos than I.
Enjoying the hospitality of Jess Klein (Roobios tea) and talking her into getting a Twitter acct.
Getting in touch with the grackles again. Austin, TX.
Aiming for Tucson before the midnight tolls from these desert steeples.


Scott Beale rstevens Joel Johnson brad Wil Wheaton Jason Scott Iskandar Lore Sjöberg Jonathan Coulton Doctor Popular Lynn violet blue ® Jonathan Rosenberg mchawking hodgman Jhonen Vasquez ruthstorm Jeffrey Rowland Rachel Maddow MSNBC MsJessKlein DJ Lady Byrd