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Observing Day Without A Gay by resisting the urge to put a penis in my mouth at least until sundown. We'll see what happens.
Looks like I'm not the only one prone to insomnia this week; I blame the moon waxing gibbous.
@claytoncubitt I suppose, if my armpits were prone to chapping.
Off to dinner with @artfagcity (who is, amusingly, not a fag).
@chromewaves Actually, Zesto is the culinary equivalent of self-love. As in chronic, compulsive masturbation. But self-love nonetheless.
Feeling inexplicably and tremendously cranky, though not cranky enough to actually, you know, tweet about it or anything.
While I'm happy my district finally has a congressman who isn't a national embarassment, this makes me ... uh, less happy:
Do you hate the post office? The long lines? The rude employees? The threat of terrorism?
I am buying everyone HISTORIC VICTORY PLATES for Christmas:
Tickled that two of my pics are in the new NYT Style Magazine (p. 78, if you're curious). And they even spelled my name right in the credit!
The new Flickr mobile site is a thousand million times better than any of the existing iPhone Flickr apps. Farewell, Exposure!
@AmeliaG "As I recalled, it was a horror film."
A load of laundry and a shower later and I still feel like I smell like smoke from the bars last night. This is why I don't go out anymore.
Reading about Art Basel Miami Beach isn't exactly making me feel like I wish I'd gone:
Somehow I'm still out @ 2:35 AM in a bar in the French Quarter where "Rock You Like A Hurricane" is playing on the jukebox. Don't ask.
Most boringest show ever. Should've stayed home with the hounds.
Deciding whether to go see Deerhunter or stay home with the hounds by the fire. The hounds are currently winning.
@pirateprince Excuse me; I like to drink mi cerveza with ice too. And a straw sometimes, even. Wanna make something of it?
@TheBrad Your flashback just gave me flashbacks. (You do know that's where my One True Love and I first met, yes?)


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