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Imagining Kanye West Xmas Record Tracklisting; "Santa Walks," "Yule Log Lockdown," "Coaldigger," "Better Faster Stronger Merrier" ...
Coffee, Soy Nog and Bourbon and Soft Cocktail Jazz. mixed with some French Turntablism.
Gym, kid's movie press screening, brunch - now laundry and writing. in other words, the perfect Saturday.
@devincf Uh, I thought I never heard from you. DM Me, Sir.
if i had to pick *one* album to boradcast into space to prove we're good to the 'verse? Phil Spector Christmas Record. No contest.
Frost/Nixon: Not just Thunderdome for readers of The Nation:
going to shoot TV for IFC about ISA's in L.A. French Cuffs make me feel Don Draper-y.
On a morning of crippling insecurity, I'm told the NYT's D. Carr called something I wrote "smart and graceful."
"readers like lists," an editor tells me. "No," I think but do not say, "Skimmers like lists. Readers like to read."
Felt sleepy. Turns out oven on at 400, pilot light off. For how long? How? Who knows. I'm a big Sylvia Plath fan, but not THAT much.
This new American Apparel Oxford shirt has more loose threads than a Paul Haggis script.
Thinking about Lunch at 8 oz.
I'm not buying a damn thing today.
MIlk: Radically conventional, superbly made, unflinchingly honest, nonetheless hopeful:
Goddammit, Jane Fonda was amazing in her day:
Just because a movie doesn't squirm up into your lap like an ill-trained puppy and simper at you doesn't make it "cold" or "distant."
Going to the Magic Castle. That's not a euphemism.
@GoodyErin: He could still be editing it tomorrow, it ain't gonna make much difference. Australia & Transporter 3 = Unintended Comedy Week!