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@gordonmeyer - Wow, I'm sorry, but what a great snap! Your look, and his look, convey it all!
Usually I leave spiders alone, but this one was so huge, it actually made a sizable THUNK when going into the vacuum. ::shudder::
There's my Bentman, tail held high and wagging genially:
@danielpunkass Police ran the plates and said it's nobody local, unfortunately. But nobody has $$ this year, so I'm not going to tow 'em.
No Parking signs put up 5 days ago didn't stop someone from leaving their car parked right in front of my house. Can't bring myself to tow.
Jet lag doing a number on my ability to get to sleep. It's now "too late" (approaching morning EST) to feel sleepy. Argh. Need rest.
My last night sleeping on a freakin' air mattress! My back, and really my whole body, will feel so much better with this tribulation over.
@zachallia Sounds nice, 'cept that I haven't had a wine opener in my home since arriving here. It shows up tomorrow though!
The bowl of Cheerios appears to be winning the audience over, in case you were curious.
Back on the left coast. Debating a late night bowl of Cheerios.
Darwin's Ltd overfull. Latte to go, then, and a last walk around Harvard Square for a while.
Snowing here in Cambridge as I empty the fridge and say my last goodbye to this house, for quite a while. Bittersweet.
@Hybernaut Sorry to have missed you here @betahouse. Hope you feel better soon!
Lunch FAIL: my Ma Po tofu came filled with beef! Have resorted to eating a fortune cookie and a pack of Rolos.
Somewhat mystified as to why I cannot symbolicate a particular batch of crash logs. Must be doing something stupid. Need more coffee.
@dangrover Wow Dan, you must think we're way more uptight than we really are. Joke away -- no worries! Inauguration with New Order, anyone?
Yesterday it was Tap Tap Dance. Today, you can go grab Christmas with Weezer from the app store!
@ohunt Prime example of something being funny because it's true!
If you wouldn't mind, please dm me if you bought Tap Tap Dance today. Need a few volunteers for an experiment. It won't hurt. Much. ;-)


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