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anamariecox - Not only will (Obama speechwriter) Jon Favereau continue to get laid, but now we know WHERE. Line up now, ladi ...... - Important update from yesterday's vet visit! Moby down to 17.5lbs. (Remote for scale.) His brother steady at 9. - Not especially good for my workout (or for tooling around in "my" SUV) but suit the mood of watery winter sunl ......
@Jeb_Hoge it's a silver trailblazer.. So I can't play at being Secret Service but maybe I'll slap a Mccain sticker on it an see what happens
Town car driver (am doing BBC) points out Chertoff entering CVS: "that guy, Homeland Sec'ty, messed up Katrina." Pause. "They all did."
For abt 5 secs, ppl thot Obama used a Zune & the dream was over. Now faith is restored & he hasn't even closed Gitmo yet.
Repair shop loaner car is an SUV. It's like I'm starring in "asshole for a day! (May go drive around in McLean just to see what it's like.)
Gibbs was here. Nice. Cock may be sore from the hours of blow jobs here but he retains his good humor. Says he will still go on Morning Joe. - Party is hugely crowded chaotic schmooze fest. Not even clear Gibbs is here. (UPDATE: Am told he is. No visual ......
Off to a party for an Obama staffer. Wondering what the ratio will be of ass-kissing to mere sucking up. - I think it's the "bumpin' beats" and "defiant lyrics" that make this the perfect song to run to in G'town. Dawg. - A gift display at Urban Outfitters. Commodify yr dissent, indeed. Also for sale nearby: a booked entitled "Pen ......
@rustedshri here I am, replying! Been thinking about your HRC/India question, btw, not sure what I have to say...
Just for the record, I am not "incurious." I am "lazy" and "misanthropric."
The McCain campaign never ends, they just keep billing you for it:
@cindyscott54 Ah, I have no new beat. I was simply bemoaning the apparent lack of sleaziness to come w/Obama. The Hill will stay sleazy.
@cindyscott54 Thanks! But, uhm, what new beat? (My career is a mystery to many, including me.)
Even better inaugural news than 5AM last call (& if this sets the tone of the Obama admin, I will hafta cover the Hill):


Meg Hourihan Rex Sorgatz Defamer Barack Obama Patrick Ruffini Stephen Colbert Jason Kottke Sockamillion Michael Turk John Dickerson Liz RSC Adam Koford Michael Nelson Joe Trippi myglesias Choire Hussein Sicha IowaCaucus Jeff Jarvis OKnox adickerson Mike Madden rachelsklar marcambinder Breaking News ericpfeiffer robmillis daveweigel James Higa dceiver Sasha Frere-Jones ktumulty MoviesIn120 hodgman craignewmark