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@oline73 Was compressing @stilgherrian / US urban v rural doesn't lead urbanites to occupy airport Read
This bodybuilding/steroids site weirds me out: 2 posts/hour, so probably a bot, but set up to catch users. And the pics!
Via @stilgherrian: Background on Thai political crisis Forget West's Left vs Right , its urban v rural & mdl class v poor
@KathySierra If 'Buying In' describes Cluetrain thought ca. 1939, & turned out to be wrong, is Cluetrain wong today? If no, what changed?
RT @zephoria: Clarification: Lori Drew was acquitted of all of the major felonies. She was convicted of a few misdemeanors.
RT @zephoria Lori Drew acquitted-unquestionably right legal decision, but a sad moral one. (Helicopter parents are dangerous to society.)
@matthewburton whats interesting about Thai multitweets tho is the range of opinion - some focus on army, some on govt, some on protestors
RT @stilgherrian (good post abt Thai situation, journalism, and Twitter): "Journalism in a hyperconnected world"
So many great responses to my "Thailand -- WtF?" question, I put the relevant tweets here:
Does anyone understand what is happening in Thailand? Can you explain it in 140 chars?
(Oops, isn't actually a Prosper response to the SEC, as they'd entered the quiet period a few weeks ago...)
RT @kitode: given a cease and desist by SEC response
@anildash Do you remember the guy who used to work the 1 train with a sax, soliciting money not to play? Reminds me of yr Twitter/bus model.
@matthewburton Why does having repeat donors void small donor rationale? Because cumulatively they all got to $2400? (Doubt this.)
@heathr Yeah, I was Twitter-compressing numbers, a reflexive habit. You _can_ use NoOneight as a Facebook middle name
Facebook: NoOn8 is the new 'Hussein'
KidCogSci: My son: Poop! Me: No potty words. S: My brain told me to. M: Tell your brain to tell you to stop. S: That doesn't make any sense.
@dphiffer Ah, got it. I liked noticing I'd bought something from Australia when it arrived, but I liked not knowing when I was shopping.
@lachlanhardy It's Ricardo's Theorem: pro-local bias (aka protectionism) sub-optimizes overall system output.


Rael Dornfest veen Dennis Crowley Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Matt Jones Ross om Mr Messina Michael Sharon janice fraser President Monteiro GregElin Michael Sippey joshua schachter Stewart Butterfield Caterina Josh Knowles Nelson Minar Nick Sears Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Justin Hall Anil Dash slavin Clive Thompson Joi Ito Adam Greenfield glowlab David Sifry David Weinberger Howard Rheingold Julian Dibbell Dan Gillmor