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@andipantz That sucks! I always fold my mirrors in if I'm parking in tight vicinities. - Sara Utz wanted me to do something. I dont recall what or why it needed a puppy dog face?
Two 13 y/o girls were waving and yelling "I love you" at me in the parking lot at the grocery store. Why cant this happen with girls my age?
iPod headphones with a Zune. Hopefully my static electricity problems will disappear.
And so starts another punk rock era in my life. Actually it started about a week and a half ago with a Weezer mix. New FOB. xD
@askfrasco I like the ad, it pops. But I am confused about the message, I thought it was for cigarettes/or smokeable for awhile, not vodka.
@askfrasco That ad is everywhere. I wonder if they are going to get slammed for putting that ad on sites that kids frequent?
What lens would you guys recommend for everyday shooting with the Nikon D80?
@polexa It's not that, its all the static buildup from the cold weather / doing cardio in the gym. It crashes on me like 4 times an hour.
Oh good, new Zune firmware. That probably won't help the fact that static electricity pwns the Zune every 30 seconds.
@globalcitizen @askfasco Looking forward to how the proposal is drawn up. xD
I need a program that tells me what is causing my computer to crash. Something that registers the error it experiences. Help?
If I find something good I want to talk about today, I might do a video blog. That would be cool.
This is the first time sheets have been on my bed properly in months. And on my bed period in the past week.
I need a Walkman. Does anyone have the cassette playing Walkman and would send it to me?
@hexxd1 I dont have a girlfriend. :(
Uggh, super psyched that the video plugin I got for my blog is working, but now Twitter Tools isn't!
@marlooz I was wondering how you guys did the ninja effects that I saw on flickr. But then I saw @globalcitizen's video. xD Nice pictures.
Is it bad that I feel like Matt Damon in Bourne Supremacy every time I walk through a grocery store? I feel out of place and more conscious. - I found a really cool Tshirt my mom made for me when I was about a year old. xD It's cute.


Alex Hillman Whitney Hoffman Judson Collier roz duffy Ben Kessler Stephanie Frasco Daniel McFarland Matthew Inman Boing Boing Brooks Jordan Marlooz James Weber MyMileMarker garrett derossett Annie Heckenberger Guy Kawasaki Lauren Fischer Mario Felipe Tofani Litensko Dan Philibin Jameson Detweiler Seth David Hallowell Powen Shiah redmade Sarah Rentzel Jones Elisabeth Mike Davis Marcela Faé Kara LaFleur Brett Rounsaville Erika Lehmann andipantz