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@AngieAreI Bosada the god of doves would sometimes appear and steal the human-sacrifice before the preists could cut the heart out. Hozzat?
@wholefoods can remember when Whole Foods was at 914 n. Lamar, where Cheapo Discs is now.
If you just HAVE to have a puppy cam... RT
@You_Decide turnip cake tofu?
@thewesterly Wow, that zeppelin is in a really steep dive, oh, wait...rotate picture...
@dirty_snowflake I always schedule those 'fasting' doctor visits for Early in the morning.
Time to let loose of the keyboard and grab ahold of the steering wheel.
Do you wander Twitter, following...unfollowing...looking for the most interesting people? Or stay with the same group, seldom changing?
@wtfail Get drunk again, it's OK by me.
Alright, Winter is here. Ok, that's enough, time for Spring.
@willsmith great cover of Baby's Got Back, he lets you hear the whole song on his download site @jonathancoulton
@communicatrix If I don't engrave my name into my markers/pens, they dissapear into the workplace faster than chocolate chip cookies.
@willsmith But does he have a farm?
@leolaporte I'll keep downloading from Amazon until they do.
Jonagold apple was so good... must have another...
Will it replace Red Bull in my life? Trying Bawls G33K B33R. Tasty, but no jitters yet.
@wtfail What brought you to my corner of twitter?
What's this? The Fail Whale is back in town?
@roadhacker Sounds like you're lugging seven or eight bags in that twitterfone post.
RT has the "I'm feeling lucky" button really been there since beta?


Evan Williams Lane Jason Calacanis Veronica Belmont Jim Long Colleen Wainwright YiMay Yang CNN Breaking News Will Smith Geoff Robert Sanzalone Tim Siedell Michael Arrington Julie Gomoll Marla Erwin rednikki Tim O'Reilly Joseph Kimojino Jen FSM Matt Leo Laporte Nathan Edwards dirty snowflake Phil Plait Rob Long Alex Wolfe Dave Marilyn dick costolo Road Hacker Lisa Bettany Angie Fogg janapochop Angie