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Habitat Website

Habitat Counts

Habitat Counts Logo   Arrow Image   Adobe Acrobat Logo "Habitat Counts" Introduction      
   Arrow Image   Download Habitat Logos   
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  Arrow Image   Adobe Acrobat Logo "Habitat counts"  Special Habitat Section from Wyoming Wildlife News 
  Arrow Image   Adobe Acrobat Logo "Planning for Habitat" 
                article from January 2006 Wyoming Wildlife magazine

New ProgramNew
  Arrow Image Landowner Incentive Program

Habitat in the News

   Arrow Image
    Adobe Acrobat Logo The Trail Back  - Report on local sage grouse working group efforts
                 article from January 2006 Wyoming Wildlife magazine
   Arrow Image   Recycle Trees for Fish Habitat 
   Arrow Image   Buffalo-area Conservation District and NRCS honored for Sage Grouse Work
   Arrow Image   Fire Encourages Plant Diversity, Wildlife Diversity
   Arrow Image   Water Management and Instream Flow  
   Arrow Image   Encana and BP Donate Equipment for Wildlife

Game and Fish Habitat Planning and Reporting

   Arrow Image
   Strategic Habitat Plan 
        Habitat issues may be the single greatest challenge facing the Wyoming Game and Fish
        Department in the 21st century.  Some habitat types are imperiled.
   Arrow Image   Habitat Annual Reports
   Arrow Image   Aquatic Habitat Priority Map
   Arrow Image   Terrestrial Habitat Priority Map

Other Habitat Information

   Arrow Image
   Habitat Extension Bulletins - Now Available

   Arrow Image Adobe Acrobat Logo A Rocky Mountain Elk Habitat Conservation Plan for the WFD Sheridan Region (and portions of the Cody Region)

   Arrow Image Adobe Acrobat Logo Conservation Assessment of Greater Sage Grouse and Sagebrush Habitats

   Arrow Image Adobe Acrobat Logo Recommendations for Development of Oil & Gas Resources within Crucial & Important Wildlife Habitats A Strategy for Managing Energy Development Consistently with the   FLPMA Principles of Multiple Use and Sustained Yield (1.5M)

   Arrow Image  The Wyoming Guidelines for Managing Sagebrush Communities with Emphasis on Fire Management, has recently been completed through a cooperative effort by representatives from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and Natural Resource Conservation Service (link will open in a new window).



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