Tara Brown’s Favorites

Jay Hathaway
strutting Feeling kind of burnt out. Want to take the day off to grab my knees and rock back and forth farting quietly and mumbling "dollar bill."
Jay Hathaway
strutting Whoa! @tarabrown and @seanbonner FOR THE WED. Congratulations, kids!
Mike Stickel
stickel not sure what to do first today. Also unsure what I should do after that.
dakami @tarabrown 25th Chaos Communication Congress (25C3) is December 27th-30th. Park Inn is closest hotel. Staying through new years is required
SnowBear Aaaaand we're done . . . *eyeing the bag of candies* No! Must not! Away with you, you sweet temptress!
Shane Nickerson
shanen Happiness is an air-conditioned cab when it's 87 and humid. Not that you can see the happiness in my face.
Steve Isaacs
steveisaacs Aside from some awesomeness, didn't really dig the Dark Knight overall. Ledger was genius though.
seanbonner Super huge congrats @tarabrown ( ) - Can't wait to see how much ass you kick at topspin w/ @iancr and posse!
Andrei Zmievski
a Flirting is good, flirting is fun.
Alix Ito
alixito @jchenry i prefer pudding wrestle and will settle for 'princess of nerds'. i bow to @tarabrown.
seanbonner totally missing @tarabrown.
Jay Hathaway
strutting No, Sean Paul. You know what? I wanna be da papa, YOU can be de mom. WHUH-OH!
Jay Hathaway
strutting Hey, Katy Perry! I kissed a girl, too! Where's my hit single?
Jay Hathaway
strutting Lemon-lime is what's wrong with America. Can we take a little risk and try to get a specific flavor right, please? Wimps.
paulcarr @tarabrown I know! You're my favourite.
Tantek Çelik
t I'm not teasing. No, really, I'm not. - Photo:
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Waitress asks if I'm still "working" on my dinner. Makes me feel industrious. Working my ass off here! Putting in overtime on this tofu!
Jay Hathaway
strutting I can tell by your Birkenstocks that you're a bro, which makes it even more perplexing that you're trying to talk to me from the next stall.
Tantek Çelik
t @tarabrown totally just bought a utility belt. #superhero


Evan Williams Dan seanbonner Xeni Jardin Jay Goldman Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Buster McLeod David Crow Aubrey Sabala Cameron Walters eric L drew olanoff Veronica Belmont Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Arshad Tayyeb Eddie Codel Mike Stickel Ryan King ian c rogers Jason Carlin eran Bob Moczydlowsky Jeff Croft cindy li Eris Stassi pixie Crystal Williams Silona marianne masculino Clintus McGintus
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