eric L’s Favorites

bethgo OH: home buttons make your users cry #iPhonedev
Greg Kumparak
GregKumparak I just realized I'm live blogging a bus ride. Oh god, I've become my job.
Michael Ducker
miradu New rule: If you'd rather be eating a sandwich then doing what you're doing, its not consent.
Rudy Jahchan
rudy Friend says our first love sets our turn-ons for life. This explains my attraction to brunettes in leather., thanks to The Baroness.
saschasegan Just discovered that In & Out Burger is open in Tucson. I must include this in my EVDO testing protocol.
Casey McKinnon
caseymckinnon Just followed the 10 min Pilates workout on YouTube ( to loosen up after Web 2.0 Fight Club yesterday.
Kevin Marks
kevinmarks "the younger generation chats digitally, and the older generation treats those chats as written correspondence." Schneier
hotdogsladies Webster's defines "dictionary" as "the place lazy writers find shitty ledes."
dewitt def: memeball, n., sequence of events when 1) blogger posts speculation, 2) subsequent bloggers repost speculation as fact
trammell Feeling the effects of watching Synecdoche, New York last night. The cost of admission should include a hug, a pony, and a bottle of Zoloft.
hotdogsladies The more wrong a guy gets, the louder he yells at the person trying to help him. Which, inevitably, makes him even wronger. But less helped.
Khoi Vinh
khoi Systems just upgraded me from "Khoi Vinh" to a six-digit number.
Peter Rojas
peterrojas Reality check from 60 Hunter college students: 2 read Engadget, 1 had heard of Gawker, 0 used Twitter, 1 used RCRD LBL, 100% are on Facebook
President Monteiro
Mike_FTW Let's settle this democratically: Fave this if Caribou Barbie is the best nickname.
Jason Fried
jasonfried Information != Power. Insight = Power.
Alastair Green
helvector learning about celebrities, sorry key opinion formers
Jay Hathaway
strutting Winter is coming. Soon the douchecock calls in the night, and abandons its cargo shorts to weather the cold in NBA logo sweatpants.
Warren Ellis
warrenellis Richard Kadrey: "Time is a jellyfish, all gooey and full of stingy neurotoxins."
trammell OH: "If watermelon Smirnoff Ice was intended for 16 year old girls, it would have a picture of Hannah Montana on it."
Steve Isaacs
steveisaacs My friend Patrick on the new Metallica: "That must have been the longest wait ever for a band to finally STOP SUCKING"


Jeremy Evan Williams Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin tedr Nick Douglas Niall Kennedy Mr Messina Jonathan Greene Chris Stout JD Raffy Scott Beale President Monteiro palmsolo Jackson West Jason Calacanis Cameron Walters lane Glenda Kingsley Joseph Thor Muller brady forrest Mike Rowehl Mark Frauenfelder Veronica Belmont fake mat honan Kevin Cheng Beth Jonhenry Righter MJ Tantek Çelik Dennis Yang SMITH Magazine Nicole Lee
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