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Zoo lights was pretty neat. Elliot loved the trains and the dude in the polar bear costume.
Headed to zoo lights.
Replacement toasting unit delivered. Let the healing begin -- both physically and emotionally.
Wiped out. Elliot too. I only read half of the Dora book before she rolled over on me and zonked out. Time for S01E03 of Buffy.
To top off being showered in red hot cranberry sauce by Anna -- Elliot just pooped while riding on my shoulders. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
The hazmat team in action.
This kitchen is in full hazmat mode. Turkey brine containment breach. Stay behind the yellow tape.
gonna hit the sack. i need my rest for turkey cooking tomorrow.
@ren8 we started Season 1 last night. :)
How do I do Buffy research without spoiling the series for myself?
Just put our Netflix account on HOLD until the end of Feb. We haven't watched one in a LOOOOONG time.
Watching @tbutler squish tomatos and get covered in mayonaise. Nice work @cookingupastory (as usual)
YES!!! the Hawaii quarter is mine. Inner coin nerd pleased.
T-Minus 12 Hours to Rodney.
@HollaAtYourEsme I am thinking we will do a special "Delta Park Does Buffy" podcast for our Prime subscribers.
@elfkin24 Yeah. But we want to watch it on the tv.. on the couch.. together. Hulu isn't great for that.
Spent some of our hard earned Delta Park Prime money on Season 1 of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. First 3 episodes being downloaded to TiVo.
headed to lunch. can a person eat too much indian food?


Biz Stone Evan Williams Maggie Mason Josh Bancroft Anna Johns Michael Buffington Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Mike Merrill Bob Goyetche Veronica Brian Clark Amit superamit Gupta Garrett Murray Lester Nelson Ryan hilary tyler Andy Baio Kent Greg Storey Tim Coulter Rex Sorgatz JL Watkins Jeffrey Zeldman cathycracks Paul Colligan Darth Vader Ryan j Budke Joshua Green Allen Delta Park Project Adam Raimer Betsy Richter Hobo Jones Greg Hasser Steven Frank Lee
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