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Wow, sitting 4th row center in the Orchestra section at the Nutcracker. Amazing seats. Dinner was also awesome
Change of plans: dinner at Daily Review Cafe. Vincent's is closed for a private party...
Now time to throw on a suit for an early dinner at Vincent's and then to see the Nutcracker with my mom, bro, and sis.
Cleaned the house, may have finally conquered the odd smell that we've had upstairs since the storm.
Downloading and insalling the new aTV Flash Installer!
Taxans at Green Bay. Schaub is back. We'll see...
Waking up to a power outage after a night of drinking blows! C'mon Centerpoint, fix this shit!
Just did the Heights home tour, now at Cyclone Anaya's, and then off to the Firehouse - Tiffani and Grommit feel left out! (@mostazza)
Mega Millions lotto is up to $170m! Feeling lucky? I might have to buy my first non-scratch off lotto ticket...
Cooking dinner with my lady for her folks
OJ sentenced to AT LEAST 15 yrs!! Wow, that's karma bitches
Dropped the car off for service, now running errands with my lady (@hirschsl)
WooHoo! Michael Crabtree has announced he'll be staying on for the '09 season in LBK!
doing the work thing
You guys gotta see this shit: Nice job, @shwood!
Anyone besides me think the Foo Fighters Carly Simon cover last night sucked ass?
Obama's citizenship case going to the Supreme Court tomorrow. A bunch of crap...
President and first lady Bush have purchased a home in the Preston Hollow of Dallas. They will continue to spend time in Crawford too.
Anyone know why YouTube connects to the UK site on my computer??? I'm in Texas!


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