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Alright Internet, enough with the bacon already:
Cheating on OS X with Ubuntu whilst my MacBook is in the shop.
@kampers if it is one of ours I blame @jbaudanza
Alone at a club in soma, waiting for others to show up. Amusing myself by drunkenly texting half of my contacts.
Def Leppard
What has 7 arms and rocks?
@deathcloset Oh no. I'll bring up religion tomorrow during Thanksgiving dinner. It will be more awkward that way.
None of the many OS X install disks in my possesion will work on this MacBook. It's Ubuntu time.
My MacBook is out being repaired. I'm now forced to use a slightly older and slower laptop. The horror!
To my downstairs neighbors: It's ok If you want to *ahem* "take care" of your horrible screaming child. I won't call the police.
A three-legged Italian Greyhound followed me home.
Just got my long lost sun glasses back. Thanks @TheMike!
@telene's cats think I should feed them every time I walk in the front door. They just ate 2 hours ago! Greedy little jerks.
MC Hammer just took the stage at the Digg meetup.
At Mighty for the digg meet-up-dealy-thing. MC Jelly Donut on the stage.
@weirdo513 How's that kool aid taste?
Playing with the new Google mobile iPhone app.
house sitting for @telene and @kigster, their cats are all up in my business
Why do I even bother making an appointment at the "genius bar"? These guys are always running behind.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Evan Williams Krissy Bush Alissa Blaine Cook telene The Mike Jade Alicia Race Kevin Cheng Kurtiss Hare Coley Wopperer ricin hotdogsladies Twitter Barack Obama Scott Simpson Chris Kampmeier Brian Haberer jennifer gorohoff Adam Lisagor Ezra Zygmuntowicz Kyle Satchwell Roseanne Wincek sargonas h2o (Jay) Matt Ben Johnston current You Look Nice Today wickedtoad imthemusic Rupture