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full of gumbo
Killin time in the Dallas airport.
Up way too early and headed down to Nawlins.
Full of sushi and waiting for Little Dragon to go on with @ian and @sharon
Happy Birthday @tara!
Remembering how much I 3> the rickshaw stop
Swimming in a sea of hipsters
Songbird scotch tasting.
converting unit tests from test/spec to shoulda is strangely cathartic
At @komi's farewell lunch. Beer o'clock came early today.
@aprilini No kidding. I'm still stinging from the New Orleans and St. Louis tickets I bought a month ago.
@d2h Songbird has concerts and other artist metadata built in:
Wishing @jack a happy birthday!
Wow, I guess I've been on twitter for a while:
Recharging before tonight's Topspin meetup:
Ugh. $140 to replace a less than 2 year old battery that's under AppleCare.
@shawnbot Marnie was awesome, Gang Gang Dance, not so much.
Basking in the sun in Hipster Beach
Headed to lay in the sun at Dolores Park. If you're in the hood, stop by and say hello.


Jack Dorsey crystal Adam Rugel Evan Williams rabble Florian Andy Keep Mike Michon Blaine Cook Ian McKellar Sharon leah Mike Champion Gary Elliott Richard charlie Mr Messina Daniel lux tiger Sarah Jane Cameron Walters Amy marc Pete Gilbert JohnB Amelia Field Justine Ryan King Greg Status Updates Erik H C Nugget Britt Selvitelle Jon Crosby Arlo Rose