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Oh unpublished holiday hours, how I loathe thee.
In truth, I count myself lucky that it seems there are never enough hours in the day. It is an empty life that greets the days end ready.
"Sunshine" says she's "like, really really sorry" for charging my credit card instead of my gift card. Ah, San Francisco. You're special.
Today is one of those days where I feel I am endlessly bouncing between inboxes, only managing to empty one when another demands attention.
@_evan, @ej : http://www.southbeachdental... Also, yelp is good for finding goods and services -- yes, even of the medical variety.
At first I saw these as silly but the more I think about it, the more they seem like a serious productivity tool.
Escaped my three hour meeting block more or less unscathed. Now, if I am very lucky, I might get to write some code.
Sitting next to @bs is always an adventure. He's like a 16 year old girl -- always on the phone, talking about his dolls unmentionables.
Thankful for the delicious breakfast that magically appears for me every morning at the twoffices. Today, it was just what I needed.
Finally checking out Tweetie, a new client for the iPhone. Turns out, it's pretty fantastic.
Oh damn, I forgot about that. And here I thought it was going to be a productive day.
Thinking about how I want to spend my most precious resource, my time.
@meangrape There was a homeless dude in LA who begged for change with a kitten. It was an orange tabby that hung out on his shoulders.
@meangrape Some of us are naturals at curmedgeonhood. Not so for @robey. Let each go his own way, even if it involves teletubbies.
Tonight is brought to you by a massive headache and a broken internet connection. Enjoy the show!
Ok, wait. Why exactly do we have a newspaper recycling bin? Has someone in the office started printing out
Seeing how many lewd letter combinations I can come up with for the election banner that is still hanging in the office.
@jkalucki What? They are /totally/ different. Now excuse me while I go hide under this rock.
Please make the slightest effort to understand what "they" actually think. Watching you mock a straw man is both sad and embarrasing.
Drinking sparkling Martinelli's with my breakfast. It tastes like Christmas and childhood.


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