Nick Douglas’s Favorites

Scott Simpson
scottsimpson First prize is a $15 billion bailout loan. Second prize is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're bankrupt.
J Thornburg
InsoOutso Protip: A properly made margarita should only take you two margaritas.
LameBush There's this one guy, Sergio, and his only job is to come in on Friday and check your email. It's cool though. He has an ID badge and stuff.
Jay Hathaway
strutting I get the impression that the Fat Acceptance movement is more about acceptance than it is about movement.
Jay Hathaway
strutting You call it Favrd-baiting, I call it "being drunk all the time." Po-tay-to, po-fuck-you.
indefensible It was really the word 'vacuous' that was meant to hurt you. The 'cunt' was a gimme.
ivegotzooms Want to guess what my stupid mouth said to an important person who got on an elevator with me and said hi? "These are not my real shoes."
secretsquirrel Forgot I had earphones on and sang out loud. Guy on the treadmill next to me seemed quite surprised to hear she was just a small town girl.
CcSteff History professor friend complaining about her students' writing. "Hitler did not *ravish* Poland."
Josh Hopkins
thedayhascome I would complain about the dishwasher not working, but since she's pregnant I'll let it slide. I'm a dead man when my wife sees this.
Ian Corey
iancorey When I'm whistling and someone spontaneously joins in I react as if they're helping me at the urinal.
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giromide Ford CEO is driving to DC for the latest round of begging. He wanted to get there reliably, so he's driving a Honda Civic.
indefensible So now you get the 3am phone calls anyway, Hillary. Bully for you.
Remiel Security: Working late again? Me: Yup. S: You always work late. Me: It's quiet. SG: Ha, yeah, that's why I like it, too! So, where you from?
Simon Goetz
pagecrusher "You almost have enough pubic hair for two dicks."
Karl Gunnarsson
Kalli I once shook my moneymaker. Let's just say that she wasn't appreciative of the gesture.
Victoria Marinelli
vmarinelli Once, "horizontal hostility" was my term for "infighting among oppressed classes." Now, it conjures "anger fucking." Thanks, Twitter.
Joshua Green Allen
fireland Man, Grandpa's really going for the record with his Thanksgiving nap. Sleeping with his eyes open, even. I bet he learned that in the War.
Joshua Green Allen
fireland I didn't get where I am today by explaining things to retards, so either pick a dipping sauce or have your baby shower at another Chili's.
Joshua Green Allen
fireland Kids, a Halloween ghoul just appeared and ate all your candy and smeared delicious chocolate on my face! Did you forget to pray last night?!


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Jason Shellen Buzz Andersen Brian Walsh Michael Ferguson Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Erika Hall President Monteiro Jackson West lane Glenda heidi Brett L. Kyle Bunch joshua schachter m@ Thor Muller Amy Muller Alicia Megan McCarthy Jason Hoffman termie fake mat honan Jonathan Lassoff Leslie Chicoine Jesse! DutchAsHell Yoz Simon Crowley Nicole Lee T.J. Nick Eddie Codel
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