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@feliciaday grats! ding! that's a huge deal.
the clouds coming in purple, pink, red or fuschia etc ... According to made up functions. Nice touch ;-)
hey person who emailed me a "mind map" of the " cloud computing space". Please don't do it again
"And what do I have to look forward to in the Ruby world?" The last map is an important one
@gruber I like it when you're right
Seattle office day 1
I just got off an airplane and found put that the World is Good
Hey SF people, we're moving out today, so pizza and beer, whatever furniture you want and the entire contents of the freezer (please).
Palin's little talk sounds like stuff from the beginnings of Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Of course they would know that if ...
"The GOP ticket's appalling contempt for knowledge and learning." Every American should be like Ben Franklin
"Sarah Palin is utterly unqualified to be vice president."
@xlntjoy I'd take a rhode scholar that got a blowjon in the oval office but took us to a surplus over these clowns. Obama = "conservative"
@xlntjoy grow up. Look at the last 8 years, they're the same stuff and sorry but bring a "hockey mom" does not mean you're presidential
@xlntjoy Sarah is a moron, grow up
@xlntjoy bah you're not my mother
OK so with this I need to write a blog post now ...
I'm at @mj's lappop event at theater rhino
"But those don’t matter as much as what Obama offers, which is a deeply conservative view of the world."


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