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ate too much.. Can't breathe... Feeling sleepy.. I'll have to wait before apple pie :)
Just dropped the turkey in the fryer.. 1 hour and then I'm gonna be fat.
@dpatil glad to hear you are safe.. I thought of you today when I heard about the attacks. be safe my friend..
picked up my peanut oil to fry the turkey tomorrow.. can't wait!
loving that the whole team is still in the office cranking!
@jruv having a conversation with a camera is harder than it looks :).. now if they wanted me to dance, that would have been different ;)
realizing @chest took our bathroom key... :) can we get it back??
Always strange to watch myself on TV... My ABC interview for BillShrink yesterday..
swung by the taco truck on the way into the office. first time.. damn it's good.. tortas, chorizo and eggs. "NOT Weightwatchers". must run!
just finishing up holiday wishes for 20 kids on amazon for please check it out, every kid deserves a happy memory
@rafer thanks for the offer, for office space. I'm heading back, i had my verizon evdo card so i've been productive..
is sitting in my parked car in SF. do i stay in SF or go back to the peninsula??
Pretty good LA vs. Silicon Valley "tale of two tech cities.."
just finished an abc interview talking "live" to a camera.. always a little weird staring at a camera talking to someone from an earpiece
got a nice billshrink article in the Chicago Tribune ;)
US just rescued Citigroup with $20B and guaranteeing $306B in toxic assets 2009 is going to be pretty bad folks
wondering if this is the year Jets win the superbowl... boy they are looking good!
@shiralazar making me miss socal.. eating at pink taco!
At tea era on castro in mountain view. Best pearl tea around!
@hunterwalk i wish we could share with everyone where you get your real product inspiration for youtube :)


Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Josh Kopelman Ted Wang Chris Fralic Jason Shellen Chris Sacca Dave McClure Rob Hayes Dave Morin seth goldstein Christine Herron Brian Solis aa Auren Hoffman noah kagan hunterwalk Kevin Rose Michael Jones Garrett Charles Hudson Jeff Clavier Mike Speiser David Hornik Fred Wilson james hong Debbie Landa Luke Swanson David Shen jason oberfest Munjal dan farber Rachel jia shen Andrew Chen Brett