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Founded in 1948, the Southern Regional Education Board is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works with leaders and policy-makers in 16 member states to improve pre-K through postsecondary education. Through many nationally recognized programs and services, SREB’s mission is helping states achieve the 12 Challenge to Lead Goals for Education.

SREB States Respond to Economic Challenges

As an economic slowdown sweeps the nation, SREB states are taking action to bring budgets into balance while working to protect essential services and programs. For a summary of steps SREB states had taken as of December 1, 2008, to balance state budgets, see the new SREB focus report.

For First Time, Students in SREB States Pass AP Exams at National Rate

The percentage of seniors who passed at least one Advanced Placement exam in the 16 SREB states in 2007 matched the national rate for the first time, a new SREB report shows. SREB States Continue to Lead the Nation in Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate Programs shows that student participation and success in these academically rigorous high school programs continue to grow across the region. For details, see the report and the press release.

New SREB Report Notes Rise of Charter Schools, Calls for Accountability

Charter Schools in SREB States: A Call for Accountability shows that by 2007, more than 950 charter schools, some of them nearly 15 years old, were operating in 13 SREB states, with enrollments approaching 350,000 students. This report explores how the achievement of charter school students in certain SREB states compares with the achievement of traditional public school students, and it examines roles of statewide data systems and state-level policies in establishing and maintaining effective charter schools.

SREB States Improve Student Achievement in the Early Grades

Many SREB states are making modest progress in early grades’ student achievement but face major challenges in the years ahead, a new SREB report shows.

Most SREB states have seen strong gains in the percentages of fourth-graders meeting their state’s academic standards in reading and math, and in student performance on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). But all SREB states face persistent achievement gaps between some groups of students, and possible cuts in federal Reading First funding — funds that previously enabled some states to create successful statewide reading programs. For details, see Set for Success: Improving Reading and Mathematics Achievement in the Early Grades. Click here for the press release.

SREB Launches New Web Site for Online Teachers

SREB has launched a first-of-its-kind Web site for teachers of middle grades and high school online courses. The Web site,, will help online teachers in SREB states connect with each other, find and share best practices, pursue professional development, and more. It is funded by a grant from the AT&T Foundation.

The SREB region’s leadership in online learning continues to expand. SREB’s Educational Technology Cooperative created the first national standards for K-12 online teaching and online courses, and all 16 SREB member states now have or are creating state virtual schools.

Some SREB states consider shorter school weeks, report shows

With the weakened economy, the suggestion of four-day school weeks — with students attending school more hours each day — is surfacing again in some states. SREB’s new Focus on the School Calendar report examines alternative calendars in several states and the challenges and benefits of four-day school weeks. While the need to balance state budgets is real, the report notes that the emphasis on improving student achievement should continue to be central to state-level decisions affecting schools.

SREB States are On the Move in Education, 2008 Progress Reports Show

Many SREB states now lead the nation in prekindergarten access, and they can boast of some of the nation’s greatest improvements in early grades reading. These are among the highlights presented in SREB’s 2008 Progress Reports on the SREB Challenge to Lead Goals for Education. The 16 comprehensive reports chart each member state’s progress toward meeting the Challenge to Lead goals — with commentary to help state leaders and the public understand how each state is doing in relation to the SREB region and nation. To see the report for your state, go to the 2008 State Reports.

Virginia Governor Elected Chair of SREB at Annual Meeting

Virginia Governor Timothy M. Kaine was elected the chair of the Southern Regional Education Board at the organization’s Annual Meeting in June in Boca Raton, Florida. He succeeds Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue, who was recognized at the meeting for his service as the SREB chair since 2006. T. Kenneth James, commissioner of the Arkansas Department of Education, was elected the vice chair of SREB. State Senator Francis C. Thompson of Louisiana was re-elected the treasurer of the Board.

Tennessee state Representative Lois M. DeBerry, Speaker Pro Tempore of the House, was elected the chair of the SREB Legislative Advisory Council as part of the 57th annual Legislative Work Conference, held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. State Senator David P. Sokola of Delaware was elected the Council’s vice chair. For more information, see the press release.

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Southern Regional Education Board
592 10th St. N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30318-5776
(404) 875-9211

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