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@scenehater And I'm demanding awesomeness.
you all don't deserve to know that... i don't get enough from you, i demand more.
going to roxy tonight cause my friend is doing an event there. i expect to see mass teeny-bopper hysteria, then the viper for circus minor
my cigarette just tasted like strawberries. weird.
@scenehater Me. Send me one. But if it's got that new-fangled rap-shit you kids are listening to these days I'll punch it.
i'm so torn whether to dress super ultra sexy tonight... or just dress like myself, like, "this is me... deal."
You boys have fun, go home with slutty women, and tell me where it itches in the morning :)
@greggrunberg I don't understand this and if there's a picture along with it I don't want to see it. Okay, maybe I do.
@hydeordie fo sho. I've sufficiently recovered from Sunday night so now I'm good to destroy myself again :)
@hydeordie You'll probably be considered the sane one... which is good, trust me.
Otep is playing at the Key Club tonight. Should I go after she poured wax in my guy friend's drink cause she thought I was doing him?
@hydeordie Thanks for the assurance. We need to hang out or else!
@hydeordie life partner status? whoa, whoa, whoa... I do these things with the bums down the street? Are you saying that's not normal?
@panasonicyouth Aaaaaahahaahahh! This is the best tweet all night!
my highschool love just told me he loved me over facebook... this is 10 years later. i just punched my computer.
@freakin but you were at Urth Cafe?! what were you expecting? something less hip?
@hydeordie I don't almost know you woman! Until we run the streets buck naked hiding in strangers bushes and trash cans, then I'll know you.
@hydeordie productivity is for winners.
Sonic boom was a disappointment. I expected panic. I expected mass hysteria. I expected people running naked in the streets. But alas. No.
cops don't like photography.


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