Honoring our Veterans 

Thanksgiving 2008
The Thanksgiving holiday is a time that allows us to gather together with friends and family to share our lives and celebrate the significance of this time of year.  So while we enjoy all the turkey and stuffing we can get, please take a minute to stop and remember the men and women of the armed forces, and those in service to their country overseas who are away from their families this Thanksgiving, as well as those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our great nation.  Their service and sacrifice has allowed us this time to reflect on those things that are truly important. May we also give thanks for the blessings granted to our Nation and in each of our lives this year.

My wife Catherine and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, and a joyous holiday season.

Happy Thanksgiving.

John Campbell


  • 09/23/2008 - Congressman Campbell Honors Melissa Dodson as an Angel in Adoption read more

  • 09/08/2008 - Campbell Office Hours in Laguna Woods read more

  • 08/04/2008 - Campbell Office Hours in Laguna Woods read more

  • 07/16/2008 - Congressmen Campbell and Flake Announce Plans to Strike Any Earmarks for Rangel’s “Monument to Me” read more

  • 06/05/2008 - Campbell Office Hours in Laguna Woods read more


  • 11/19/2008 - Republican Senators Prepared to Start Over - Roll Call read more

  • 11/05/2008 - Local GOP activists demand leadership changes - OC Register read more

  • 10/23/2008 - House GOP Turning Right - Roll Call read more

  • 10/15/2008 - Conservatives Mourn White House's `Abandoning' Reagan Legacy - Bloomberg read more

  • 10/06/2008 - Campbell withdraws from RSC race - The Hill read more


  • 10/03/2008 - Plan Will Save Free Market, Not Destroy It - Investor's Business Daily read more

  • 07/11/2008 - The Pelosi Premium, Not Worth it read more

  • 07/02/2008 - Rep. Campbell: Put brakes to out-of-control spending - OC Register read more

  • 01/04/2008 - EPA is right and California is Wrong read more

  • 11/14/2007 - Embracing Reagan's Legacy read more

see all news >

Congressman John Campbell's Green Eyeshade blog

  • Withholding Funds - 11/19/2008
    According to some of the most recent reports, it is clear that Senator Ted Stevens... read

  • Taking out the Trash - 10/17/2008
    Many of you watched the final presidential debate on Wednesday night, and the candidates were asked, “What would you cut from the federal budget”. read

  • An Appetite for Earmarks - 09/18/2008
    You would think that Senator Ted Steven’s (R-AK) legal battle would be the sole occupant of his time... read

  • New Taxes for Energy that Won’t Produce - 09/16/2008
    I am sure many of you have been paying attention to the debate (or lack thereof) on energy in Congress. read

  • National Earmarks for Security - 09/12/2008
    It’s no secret that this Congress has had a problem passing appropriations bills on time. read

visit blog >

Laptop Report

Economic Update - 10/17/08
Last week, I went to our local Ace Hardware store in Irvine to buy an extension cord. I was wearing a suit and tie. read

Economic Rescue Plan - 10/1/08
You haven’t heard from me in about 10 days. Unless you have been living under a rock, I’m sure you know that we have all been a little busy back here in DC... read

Financial Crisis - 9/19/08
There have been other things going on in Washington this week, but nothing is as important or urgent as the financial crisis.  read