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Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, Proudly Serving Wisconsin in Congress
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PHOTO: Tammy joins other volunteers taking part in the Goodman Community Center's program to provide a traditional Thanksgiving dinner to families in need.  Over 1000 families are expected to come to the Center for assistance this year.


Statement on Financial Aid to the Auto Industry

Statement on Federal Approval to Expand BadgerCare Plus


Bills sponsored by Tammy (110th)

Today on the House Floor

Roll Call Votes


Committee on Energy and Commerce

Committee on the Judiciary

just for kids

ABOVE: Tammy joins other volunteers taking part in the Goodman Community Center's program to provide a traditional Thanksgiving dinner to families in need. Over 1000 families are expected to come to the Center for assistance this year.

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Welcome to my website. I hope you find it informative and enjoyable! - Tammy Baldwin