portrait of Representative Rush Holt   
 Representative Rush Holt, 12th District of New Jersey
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XML Press Releases via RS
  • Holt to Host Town Hall Meeting in Tinton Falls on Thursday, Dec. 4 at 7 pm - 11/26/2008 ...more
  • Holt and Pallone Laud Federal Grant Funding For Fort Monmouth Workers - 11/17/2008 ...more
  • Holt Calls on President-Elect Obama to Issue Torture Ban Upon Assuming Office - 11/12/2008 ...more

Financial Rescue

Rep. Rush Holt speaks about the financial crisis on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. “Let’s take a breath and show the world that the government of the United States will not let the financial house collapse. I’ve been taking calls in my office from people who say, ‘Help Main Street not Wall Street.’ By helping Main Street we can help Wall Street. If we go to the root of the problem, we can help both.” Read more about Rep. Holt’s views on the financial crisis here and here.

Helping Those In Need

Food banks and food pantries in New Jersey and across the country are doing important work with the resources they have, but they need help as they face food shortages. Governor Corzine’s office announced that New Jersey’s food banks are reporting as much as a 30 percent increase in families seeking food assistance, while food supplies are down by 19 percent from the same time last year. If you need food or wish to help someone who does, click here.

Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act.

Rep. Holt, at the opening of the Princeton Historical Society's "Stand Up, Speak Out" exhibition, with Princeton Township Mayor Phyllis Marchand (left) and Princeton Historical Society's Executive Director Erin Dougherty (right).  Rep. Holt toured the exhibition, which examines the issues of political participation and voting rights and how the promise of the Declaration of Independence is realized through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The exhibition includes an interactive exercise involving Rep. Holt's Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act.

Rep. Holt Meets With NJ National Guard

Rep. Holt met with troops from the 50th Brigade Combat Team before their deployment in June for final training in Texas and their final destination of several locations throughout Iraq. Rep. Holt heard the concerns of the troops and offered his assistance to them in any way before, during, and after their deployment. Here, Rep. Holt talks with, from left, Rep. Col. Kenneth Schechter, Col. Steve Ferrari, Lt. Col. Robert Jarvis and Lt. Col. James Moore. Read more.

Latest eGenda: Visit to Afghanistan and Pakistan, the Gettysburg Address, Combating Hunger

Earlier this month, I visited Afghanistan and Pakistan to meet and bolster American servicemen and women and to survey the deteriorating situation in the region.  For several years it has been clear that our misguided invasion and occupation of Iraq distracted us from the unfinished business of preventing Afghanistan from becoming again a training and operating center for violence directed at America.  Our enemies have had time to regroup, and they now threaten the stability of both Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as threaten the security of Americans. Read more

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