Adrian’s Favorites

Sbeneli 2 for 1 at Ha!Ha! voucher:
Ben Walker
ihatemornings You're no one if you're not on Twitter. ;o)
Ryan Block
ryanblock Maybe there is justice in this world:
MissRFTC I am totally serious. My Ob/Gyn was IN my vagina and an earthquake started rattling the room!
Major Nelson (Larry)
majornelson To protect the investment that our audience has made in that music, we’ve made all of those tracks forward-compatible with Rock Band 2.
Chris Pirillo
chrispirillo New iPhone 3G Commercial - best one yet:
Wesley Williams
Chris Pirillo
chrispirillo Attention IT geeks, for free Exchange monitor (live interview now at ).
Dan Trachtenberg
DannyTRS Everyone who is playing GTA4 now...please be careful when you turn the game off and get in your car-- euphoria physics is not as funny irl
Jeff Macpherson
drtiki Tipping sucks. It's time for companies to pay their own employees. Let's start a movement.
Ryan Block
ryanblock I will say this: even despite the RRoDs and Live outages, I still love the 360 and think it's probably the best product MSFT has ever made.
Robert Scoble
Scobleizer Upcoming, Flickr, and Twitter get better if you have more friends. Upcoming is wonderful, especially, if you have lots of friends.
trixie360 trixie rule #24: When contemplating being good or being bad... always go for bad.
Robert Scoble
Scobleizer @greghaspants: Twitter isn't down when I don't post. Just look at my "with friends" page. Europe posts while I sleep.
Chris Pirillo
chrispirillo Dare I say that Twitter is the next Digg?