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Chancellor Kristensen transcript
J.B. Milliken transcript
Dr. William R. Nester transcript

UNK celebrated the completion of the new Nester Hall on September 8, 2008, with a joyous dedication event highlighted by the presence and participation of the central honoree, Dr. William R. Nester, after whom the buildings were named. The dedication of Nester Hall marked the completion of one of the largest construction projects in UNK's history, the Nester/Antelope Hall complex, concluding Phase I of UNK's comprehensive Residential Renewal program.

The tenure of Dr. William R. Nester as leader of Kearney State College and the University of Nebraska at Kearney will be remembered for the unprecedented progress that took form at all levels across campus- academically, in professional development, in service programs, and in the building of learning and living facilities. Hallmarks of his character and success, the leadership style and vision of Dr. Nester are what laid the foundation and assured the future of UNK for students, faculty, staff, and the Community of Kearney. It was the privilege of the University of Nebraska at Kearney to dedicate the new residential living and learning facility to the students of UNK - in honor of Dr. William R. Nester

This webpage has been created in honor of this historical event, and to give a flavor of the dedication event, and the wonderful new residence hall facilities, to those who could not be in attendance.

If you are a prospective student and would like to obtain more information about living and studying at UNK, please click this link.

Kearney Hub Stories | Nester Hall Description | Nester in The Columns