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@oxfords hi. The pinus is a beautiful tree as I learned yesterday.
Just had a quick massage that @littlebee168 arranged. The people here could not be any nicer. Maybe they could export that trait to thos ... ...
Up early jogging. Jebus when was the last time I 'jogged'? Still not going to get the vodka out. Swim next.
Staying in a villa called 'pinus' apparently, disturbingly, not pronounced like Linus. We dread having to say our room number.
I guess that today is tg for us. About to have scruptious dinner poolside in villa after too many cocktails Oceanside. LABATYD
Ok I'm TOTALLY over the Balinese sell you shit culture. However the people we have met are really super nice
Rained all night. Doors wide open netting on bed. Slept like a baby. Breakfast in bed. Could get used to this shit
@geekgiant Bali certainly is. Nusa dua isn't that interesting by itself unless all you want to do is chill in a nice hotel
I'm at near Bualu, Bali, Indonesia -
Landed in Bali. Nusa dua 2 nights, ubud 2 nights. Dm me with your favorite things to do on Bali. Thanks!
brutally up T 5:30 AM for a flight to Bali. wow (yes 'wow') is me. will miss taiwan, but the best part, back in 5 days for more foods!
Now little dragon bun feast at ding tai tong in east Taipei. Holy hot and sour soup
Wow. Wore my Obama change shirt to Taipei. Stopped 6 times by Taiwanese and two times by Americans. Worldwide baby!
Taipei 101. Awesome building, not so interesting neighborhood. #tptaiwan
At some Japanese place in Taipei eating some form of japaiwan fusion stuff. Fucking delicious! #Taiwan
Done with national palace museum now off to Taipei 101
At the national palace museum in Taipei. The itracacy of the ivory is blowing our minds
Holy shit, the taiwanese bullet rips! Hsinchu to Taipei in 35 min
On our way to taipei after breakfast burgers. Spent the night fighting Mosquitos. :(
Ok. Taiwanese home cooking is a full on fucking treat.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Evan Williams Tim Roberts sara Krissy Bush Alissa Philip Kaplan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Ian McKellar Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman veen Jason Shellen Buzz Andersen Lane Chris Sacca Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh seanbonner nanek Ross om tedr Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas Andrew Crow peterme Paul Thrasher
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