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@aulia You need to read them :) Lots of important information today. Not all good sadly.
@chibialfa Yes, I think. If you go to my FB, I share their photo just now.
@chibialfa actually kenal nggak sama Tiara Widjanarko ?
@chibialfa Cool, thanks :) mungkin ntar kalo udah ketemu ade gue bisa dikasih ke dia :)
@chibialfa Hehehehe ... kalo dikasih sih nggak nolak :)
@chibialfa Yup disini gampang nyari pakaian yg panjang2 :)
@mahadewa goto, you can find article on how to backup everything
@rampok or ... you don't have to change your DNS now. Just get your old one properly backed up, including your themes, plugins, database.
@rampok Ask your old host to help
@chibialfa My Brother's name : Wisnu Triatmojo
@rampok so how did get all the post out ?
@chibialfa Crap ... ok better ask him directly :)
@chibialfa Fa di Ogilvy, orang yg bagian pegang client namanya bagian apa ? I'm trying to find out where my Brother is
@rampok Are you using Wordpress ?
@rampok But you managed to backup everything right ?
@chibialfa ROFL I see .. barusan gue cek bener-bener :) tadinya gue kirain elo make topeng + topi kayak bajak laut jaman dulu gitu :D
@chibialfa Actually I'm not sure what it is. I aven't actually look at it in details :) it's all a bit blurry from here :D
@fajarjasmin @rampok is trying to change, I give him a place in mine.


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