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LittleBigPlanet rang on my doorbell today. 15 days before release. Makes you feel kind of dirty.
Playing Scrabble with Angelica. Losing with 30pts as of now.
Just watched Rambo on BluRay and it was spectacular!
I've been away for six months and all I have to say is: I just bought myself a new pair of undies!
A bit upset with using a photo of my daughter without asking me for permission to do so...
Watching Rocky IV. One hour in there's bern THREE montages already
So... Ashley shot Wrex therefore I left Ashley behind on Virmine where my nuke went off. Bitch had it coming.
Just showed Bowser who's boss. Next up: Metroid Prime
My PowerBook pisses me off. Startup: nothing happens. After a few minutes I get a "prohibited" sign. Harddrive problem?
A tad bit drunk, just watched I Am Legend. Rating it a 3/5.
Horrible month: PowerBook, iPod, cell phone and Xbox 360 gives up on me. And then add fucking Christmas on top of that...
Excited about Saul Williams new album!
Found a matchbox in the street just now that came all the way from 2941 Main St., Santa Monica, CA. Small world, I guess.
The most bizarre thing I've seen all year. A snake coughing up an entire hippo
Woke up at 4am (!) Just had some breakfast. Every pore I'm equipped with is soaked with alcohol…
still thinks is the funniest shit to have ever graced YouTube.
All of these 'mini-blogging' confuses me. Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku, etc. And Jaiku getting Pown(c)ed by Google? Shit… The internets is too big...
Quick note about Radiohead. Releasing your music all by yourself is THE SHIT. Releasing it in 160kbps MP3 is SHIT! Harden the fuck up!
Plugged my guitar to my amp to my computer… Primitive, I know.


Major Nelson (Larry) Matt Brett MarkYoshimotoNemcoff 140 Characters Scott Sigler Julian Stahnke Steven Gravell Hannah Donovan Muz mueslix Zombie Attack Alex Wybraniec Hannes Iversen Sebastian Fritzon ECTOPLASMOSIS! Jonas Woost Travis Keller johnbron ninofficial dogsipod