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saw the new pepsi logo on actual product finally. huge fail imho. it doesn't represent anything to me. just change for the sake of change...
@jordikell i know right? i guess it's just my charming personality. it just wears off on people. what can i say :)
checkout lady told me 'i don't want any more damn customers'. then she overcharged me. i really think we made a connection me and her.
@pengwynn haha. forms are always interesting. i'd like to see what you're doing. got any examples?
@danielthepoet So you're telling me thats not how you use twitter? Damn. I've been doing it wrong this whole time.
Happy Birthday to @lovelyleslie !
@pengwynn nice. love blueprint. do you ever find that it's a bit excessive sometimes?
anyone out there using a css framework? if so, why and which one
@nickdenardis seriously?? wtf is that? whatever it is, i want one for my yard and/or office
@IngridHolliday i'm not sure what you're talking about...i figure if i play dumb the pain will go away :)
@IngridHolliday true fan or just stupid? not sure yet :)
Wow. The cowboys keep coming up with new and interesting ways to lose
!amazing! play by the cowboys on a 4th and goal. freaking amazing
@Nightcrawler13 i would definitely recommend going back to dvds...
the cowboys/steelers game is easily one of the worst games i've ever seen...and it's not even halftime
podcast support in songbird it's incredibly bad. i'm withdrawing my recommendation of it as an itunes competitor.
it's better to fail in originality, than to succeed in imitation -herman melville
@educheckup thanks! no. that redesign was actually done Nov 16. our previous (terrible) design was done Jan 07
Retweeting @educheckup: [New Episode] Richland College - Episode #23
someone just told me mapquest is a 'whole lot better' than google maps. i just died a little on the inside


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Brian Walsh Xeni Jardin Ross Beau Mack D. Male om Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas David Ulevitch Mr Messina Dobromir Hadzhiev Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe J Chris Anderson Derek Gathright Scott Beale David Crow President Monteiro Aubrey Sabala Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Thor Muller Molly E. Holzschlag Chaitanya Sagar Steven A Bristol SkyKid Justine Alex Hillman Steve Dembo Chris Brogan
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