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@stales and everyone else - good time to remember what we are thankful for - I have to get back to work, check in with you later
more explosion, ongoing gun battle in the streets (per CNN) #mumbai where is the live feed from the streets?
was an important lesson from Obama campaign, per BillClinton advice, talk to undecideds and independents, build coalition for society
@stales it needs to upset the silent majority in these cultures in order for them to find a voice, to stand with us instead of against us
@stales so that is the thing, we need to be aware of it, send our positive thoughts their way, but not let it upset us too much
uggh. I was just writing a quick post on what I am thankful for, was almost finished... now need to think a bit more and come back to it l8r
what do we do? what does the lame duck do? will he attack somewhere that Obama won't be able to in a few weeks? #mumbai
looks like they hit the railway, the airport, the hospital and several popular tourist destinations
follow it live on twitter, but dont believe all of the early reporting, situation is in flux
@gregarious the world is still dangerous and we need to be aware of that, but we also must not let it dig too deeply into our psyche
@livepath was a local official live on CNN in the background
wow - my thoughts and prayers go out to all my friends in Mumbai tonight. can practically feel the sadness in the world - at least 80 dead
@moritherapy I think the service is US only - the thing is, anyone can anonymously leave a comment about you being a heavy breather...
@chrisabraham how are you doing? I will be over in London and Paris from the 4th DEC to the 11th are you going to Le Web?
@sutteredenmed thanks for coming out and sharing your story - will see you again hopefully soon
@davidparmet wild huh - wonder who left that very kind comment about my phone number? hmmmm
searching for who owns a phone number I received a call from, I found this site pretty wild - look up your phone #
@susanbratton another excellent resource for reversing negative self talk - book - "There is Nothing Wrong With You" - Cheri Huber
@strebel what can I say I am an early adopter and a late abandoner - but for you, out of the stress created by peer pressure, I'll change it
how cool is it that it just feels natural to be video chatting with my wife (@kristiewells) 1/2 way around the world - have a gr8 day @ work


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