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Just saw about 500 dead in Zimbabwe cholera outbreak. Funny how #mumbai got more attention due to drama. Just like malaria.
Recording a podcast with @bronwen @liako - Movember shenanigans. @lebard and I rocking out.
Free ticket for movember party. Pingme.
On my way to Movember gala party.
Too wet to walk to November gala parry.
@spellrus But hosting is a global thing? @mhalligan - with hosting, I've rarely seen higher price mean better service, unless it's v v high
It shits me that I can't set up multiple accounts under one account for Google Adwords
Rumoured: Some notary mobile specialists in Sydney are in the habit of having naps during the day. Use of teddybear cannot be confirmed.
Hosting comparison: MelbIT 200mb,8gb bwidth, 1mySQL DB $21pm. GoDaddy 10gb,300gb bwidth, 10mySQL DB $7pm nuts
Big, but hopefully brief storm on its way to Sydney
@daveoflynn Tx for feedback. These guys are offline experts stepping into online & I'm helping them. Brutal feedback to mliubinskas gmail
Quick competition for photographers. You can win a full framed, canvas print of your own photo up to $500 worth
@Happener Sponsor me. I've even done videos. And I'm close to my $500 goal!
Economic slowdown? Not here. @pollenizer is picking up pace. I can't wait for Christmas to relax.
@KainTietzel Silicon Beach Drinks every Friday 5-8pm Grace Hotel Mez level. Cnr York & King St Sydney.Happy hour 5-6.30.Angry hour 11-12pm.
@KainTietzel Yes, there is drinks every Friday @liako @kcarruthers @tjoosdude @lachlanhardy coming?I can't make it. Movember Party 2nite.
My take on the priorities of a startup post-beta-launch Interested to hear your thoughts and experiences
5 min video on how an ant colony looks underground. Worthy coffee fodder.
People I've never met who follow me on Twitter have sponsored me for $100 for Movember. Amazing.


Blaine Cook om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Scott Beale Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Phil Morle Norberto Meijome alan jones Vinnie Lauria Colin Brumelle Larry Stowe Boyd Lachlan Hardy Emily Chang lisa Brian Solis Snook Michael Specht ivanoats Russ ben barren Stephen Collins dotBen Jeremy Pepper Peter Wells Jeremiah Simon Wright Jajah Frederik Hermann Kristie Wells Nivi Mark Jones Chris Saad
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