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Say it with me now: It's a sham with yams. Happy Yam Sham everybody!
@hotdogsladies HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you magnificent bastard! tx @madmann ;)
having the crazy uncle, the hipster cousin, and the gay neighbor over for Thanksgiving tomorrow. And you?
@mattcutts we're 62% firefox, 22% IE, 8% Safari, and 6% Chrome.
@mattcutts what time period are those stats for?
@mitchwagner it's not, it's this bizarre trend of applying corporate terminology to humans
terrible compromises for ad dollars to make payroll is just as bad as layoffs
stunned that Monday is December 1st. This year went by CRAZYfast.
@rael those Twitter people are some lucky folks. Congrats on the acquisition!
@feliciaday Congrats on the Microsoft deal!!
really want to wake up to news other than "yet more good people have been laid off" one of these days...
met Joyce Carol Oates today, she signed my book and joked about Princeton intellectuals and won my heart.
Twilight disappointed, but finally rented The Visitor and it renewed my hope for film.
sure symptom of internet COBS (Cranky Old Bastard Syndrome): you stumble into passionate debates about social media and roll your eyes
Love that mobile safari has dropped the http:// in the address bar entirely
Also re: Twilight--after escorting Kristen Stewart around backstage at Comic-Con, I can confidently say that she's actually a zombie.
the bad part about no longer working at a dot-com for teens is that I can't call these tickets to the Twilight movie "research"
"Oh don't worry Mom, random death wishes from strangers are just part of being a public persona on the internet."
can't decide if my growing Read It Later list total represents hope for my future free time or guilt about my present lack of it
love that Adium's icon on the dock becomes transparent when you go invisible


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