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Thinking deep thoughts about strategy and vision. Ouch, my brain hurts, too many options...
@Hicksdesign if you have online banking you could get freeagent to work out the VAT for you...we'll get you set up in 10 mins
@markboulton we at FAC agree, it's beautiful - but alas no support for UK taxes other than VAT, no time tracking, no invoice templates...
living the startup dream or sharing wi-fi with other sad laptop users at Peterborough services? It's a fine line...
@sarahparmenter Welcome on board! Timepost2 supports FreeAgent - Mac or Windows
Poitfbsv as ggcstvdyfruc gnvggcghg ghcfhhccgjbvhmbgigdttcfrthggfgtyvvfhjbvgyuvftucftivffjbgtyggfjhvvcxgubvcggvcvgjvgonvgubvyjvgunu gus m
Wow: 18/20 tweets of the last hour from @dahowlett!
thinking that, actually, it _is_ rocket science ;-<
@ryancarson wondering if @mbites pitch submission deadline of tomorrow stands, or has it been brought forward by a day ;-?
grappling with FA accounts: bills received under VAT cash accounting but paid under accrual. Me-too social networking app next time ;->
@ryancarson FreeAgent Central will, of course, be getting a pitch in at the _very_ last minute...
The boy's swimming lesson, so a rare moment of idle time.
Wondering if having another five hours in each day is really so much to ask...
@urbanwide yep I'll be at #goingsolo- be great to chat there...
Phew, another email newsletter out the door. If only hiring a copywriter was the answer...
@lylo double ooh, and purchased 15 seconds after you mentioned it! Now, to actually do some of those to-do's...
is wondering if Chris Anderson edits Wired for 'Free'
wondering whether a truce might not be better than this tedious bickering...
Heading back to Gatwick after a pretty cool day at FOWD.
Wondering how can something so beautiful can be so very very boring


Paul Farnell Hickensian Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Paul Boag Jim Callender Deb Bassett Ryan Carson Alan White Roan Lavery Gareth Dennis Howlett Anna Olly Headey Guy Dickinson Nigel Eccles Cole Henley Venture Hacks coldpie FreeAgent School of Everything Emma Jones