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amused to find out that a baby puffin is called a puffling
feeling pretty foolish, was feeling fine so uploaded some photos now feel awfull, stupid me, stupid hands, stupid body! grrrrr
@cindyli I really want to tell people too, its hard but I have been good, despite the canary feathers ;)
@rboulton heh cleaning is a good plan, thanks! something for me to do whilst watching naff tv and waiting for the kiev to cook :)
Back from yoga to an empty house, might cheer self up with chicken kieve and chocolate
had a great week hacking on an awesome thing in a fort, recovered sleep but appear to have come down with post-fort illness :(
in the offlicence absorbing Internet
about to walk across the island to our fort!
hope Brighton peeps are excited about skillswap goes portable on Wednesday!
arrived in Alderney, landed in a field, the plane chaced a pheasant!
@adactio I'm gone - just doing software updates (bought new keyboard & thinking about posture) still have RSI Im really trying to be good :)
might have accidentally deleted some important emails .... oh well :/
semi-online for the first time in nearly 2 months, I am declaring inbox zero (to follow a trend). If I've not replied to your email's, sorry
panic over, water came on just after dinner in time for Simon to do the washing up, keeping the bottles full tho just in case!
in emergancy mode, water still off, filled every receptical I have with water from the office, wagamamas basement now under 1ft water
having quick cup of tea before going in, estate is sending three dinfferent contractors so will be fixed in a few hrs apparently
@Alunr thanks, fortunately had enough for both, which is lucky becaus the whole building is out (Inc office) flood in wagamamas caused it
Fricking water is off again, only have enough in the kettle for a cup of tea OR to clean my teeth! Dilema!
@nicepaul happy birthday! Hope you had a great day :)
@Niqui thanks very much for a lovely evening of yummy sushi making :)


rabble Dunstan Blaine Cook veen Matt Jones Colin Schlüter Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Thomas Vander Wal Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Curtis James Molly E. Holzschlag Cal Henderson ribot termie Keith Jeremy Keith Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Richard Rutter James Darling Norm! David Stone Drew McLellan Wilson Miner Ben Ward Yoz Josh Russell Derek Featherstone pixeldiva Simon Willison Martin Steve Marshall Leonard
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