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@gillianr sure! I'll take 'em.
@gillianr Can I have some of your old plastic hangers? I'm always running short of them. I suspect my wife's closet keeps stealing 'em. - These things are friggin' contagious. Wife just got an early Xmas gift of an iPod touch.
watch your back, Scalix... if you weren't in a secure datacenter, you'd be getting shiv'd right now.
Success! Got ticket for first group in to REI S&D sale...
One downfall of the iPhone... It's impossible to use while wearing gloves.
Retweet @the_nerdery: In case you missed #sierrabravo on the news today, you can watch us here:
@Naikoh Both the Pentagon and the White House talk.
@jessmogen stay away from ch 5, unless you really want to hear more blathering from that annoying guy that sits near you...
still trying to mentally recover from a night of cold medicine-induced dreams. Er, I _hope_ those were just dreams!
mmm, nothing quite like hot ginger tea for a sore throat. The homemade chicken noodle soup was good too. p.s. my wife rocks.
uhg, feeling worse. I'm tweeting in sick today.
cold worsening, productivity dropping, winter travel plans disintegrating--this is turning into a crappy week. - Hrmmm, this might be cold medicine. Do I dare try?
@ZappoMan impressive. Do you do anything specifically to atrract followers? Or are your tweets just that compelling?
@gillianr yeah, whatever, admiral akbar. :)
@gillianr @mtonak @jessmogen Rumor has it @lukebucklin possesses the Reese's cups, so your path to enlightenment starts at his office.
@gillianr hey, @jessmogen started it. (and her challenge is a bit easier to fulfill)
#sierrabravo challenge: first person to bring me 3 Reese's cups gets 2 Malaysian Ringgit and a nickle.


John Nicholas J Wynia nostrich mazlina Jason E. Rist Dan Bailey Derek Fernholz Todd Suomela Barack Obama Michael Woods Ali Karbassi Dusty Reagan Jodi Chromey Phil B Adam WCCO Breaking News Jon Gordon Matt Brooks Digium UstreamTV David Rasmusson Jennifer Government Gregg's Cycle David Simmer Kyle Drake EllisLab Jon Lyles Gillian Reynolds Andrew Gruhn Brad Hefta-Gaub webzack AdamTurman eagon toddtyrtle astuteo Justin Schultz
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