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Had a job interview this morning. Now doing laundry. I just want to lie down and daydream.
I have a crush on someone. That is why I am smiling so much.
It is raining like crazy. And I am supposed to run a race in the morning. yeeaaaahhhh right.
Men's swimming would be more awesome if swimsuits were optional. Especially the backstroke.
Hey, where the hell have I been?
@twodolla have you quit yet? Are you going to stomp out in a fury when you leave?
I am watching Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp while home sick with a cold. buhhhhh
I hate the tourists in Times Square. They are the stupidest people alive.
I have the theme song to The Anna Nichole Show stuck in my head
I didn't go to work today like I said I would. Guess I should get up and go in two hours early. Which means I should be asleep by now.
I accidently stabbed my finger with a toothpick, and now I think it is infected. Goodbye cruel world.
I love facial hair, but James McEvoy needs to shave that shit.
holy crap. The elevator closed on my while I was boarding and totally messed me up. Owwie.
I am trying to decide if I would do Bret Michaels or not. Sure, why not? I am gonna need a drink first.
My burger order was #666. it is like they know me here.
My hamstrings hurt and I can't remember if I already took some Advil or not. Oh well, if I die this afternoon it is from an Advil overdose.
@plainjane I just saw a zamboni and thought of Holly.
I love Rob & Big. I want to live with them.
@Twodolla I am washing down two cranberry pills with a beer. It is my toast to you!
Happy New Year! FYI Grand Central Station is busy at 3:30am.


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