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RT - @QualityGal Goodbye to my friend:
@alexdesigns going there myself w/ @jetblue tmrw. :o) Can't wait!
I know! I like to be surprised, more fun then knowing already what you're getting. ;)
Wow that was so sad! ;( needed "warning". :(
@Iodine74 I had a blast! :o) I barely made it b/c the lines to the rides were so long. But right b4 the park closed I went over there! :)
@shoemoney don't miss out on the since you're in Orlando.
@davesnyder So how's the colder weather treating you... :o)
Listening to xmas music while working on xmas sites hehe ;o)
@AdamSinger Liked your post! :o)
Listening to Christmas Radio on #Pandora!! :o)
@saulcolt it's a Bill Cosby episode where he cuts the cake & puts paper towel in the whole 2 cover it so he doens't get caught, really funny
@saulcolt Yeah I'm about to do this to the CAKE! LOL
@davesnyder yea she mentioned it last night! Can't wait. ;o)
@saulcolt Good!! But hungry! I want to eat this pumpkin spice cake now! lol
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Eat till you drop!! :o)


Alex de Carvalho Brian Breslin Tamar Weinberg Saul Colt Michael Gray Danny Sullivan Lee Odden Kevin Gibbons Carolyn Shelby John Carcutt ShoeMoney Matt Cutts Jesse Friedman Chris Winfield jordan kasteler Maki Rae Gary Vaynerchuk Brent Csutoras Jon Henshaw Ruud Hein Rhea Drysdale Tony Adam aaron wall Guy Kawasaki Darrelllong Alex Harris Pamela Lund ravenseo Lisa Barone Brian Chappell streko MarkLaymon Garrett Pierson Rayanne Langdon RefreshMiami