This is the accessible text file for GAO report number GAO-04-270R 
entitled 'Posthearing questions Related to Succession Planning and 
Management' which was released on November 14, 2003.

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November 14, 2003:

The Honorable Jo Ann Davis:


Subcommittee on Civil Service and Agency Organization:

Committee on Government Reform:

House of Representatives:

Subject: Posthearing Questions Related to Succession Planning and 

Dear Madam Chairwoman:

On October 1, I testified before your Subcommittee at a hearing 
entitled "Human Capital Succession Planning: How the Federal Government 
Can Get a Workforce to Achieve Results."[Footnote 1] This letter 
responds to your request that I provide answers to follow-up questions 
from the hearing. Your questions, along with my responses, follow.

1. The GAO report discusses how agencies in other countries have used 
succession planning to address specific human capital challenges. What 
are some of these challenges and how have agencies abroad used their 
succession planning and management initiatives to meet them?

We reported that government agencies around the world are using 
succession planning and management to achieve a more diverse workforce, 
maintain their leadership capacity as senior executives retire, and 
increase the retention of high-potential staff.[Footnote 2] Leading 
organizations recognize that diversity can be an organizational 
strength that contributes to achieving results. For example, the United 
Kingdom's Cabinet Office created Pathways, a 2-year program that 
identifies and develops senior managers from ethnic minorities who have 
the potential to reach the Senior Civil Service within 3 to 5 years. In 
addition, Canada uses its Accelerated Executive Development Program as 
a tool to help achieve a governmentwide diversity target. Specifically, 
the government has set a goal that by 2003, certain minorities will 
represent 20 percent of participants in all management development 

Succession planning and management can help agencies maintain 
leadership capacity. Both at home and abroad, a large percentage of 
senior executives will be eligible to retire over the next several 
years. In the United States, we reported that the federal government 
faces an estimated loss of more than half of the career Senior 
Executive Service by October 2007.[Footnote 3] Canada is also using its 
Accelerated Executive Development Program to address impending 
retirements of assistant deputy ministers--one of the most senior 
executive-level positions in its civil service. For example, 76 percent 
of this group is over 50 and approximately 75 percent are eligible to 
retire between now and 2008.

To increase retention of high-potential staff, Canada's Office of the 
Auditor General uses succession planning and management. According to a 
senior human capital official, to provide an incentive for high-
potential employees to stay with the organization, the office provided 
them comprehensive developmental opportunities in order to raise the 
"exit price" that competing employers would need to offer to lure them 

2. Can you highlight some of the ways in which other countries have 
used succession planning and management to facilitate broader agency 
and government transformation efforts?

Effective succession planning and management initiatives provide a 
potentially powerful tool for fostering broader governmentwide or 
agencywide transformation by selecting and developing leaders and 
managers who support and champion change. For example, in 1999, the 
United Kingdom launched a wide-ranging reform program known as 
Modernising Government to improve government services, and subsequently 
started restructuring the content of its leadership and management 
development programs to reflect this new emphasis on service delivery. 
Similarly, the Family Court of Australia's Leadership, Excellence, 
Achievement, Progression program is preparing future leaders who could 
help the organization successfully adapt to recent changes in how it 
delivers services. Specifically, the court considers this increased 
emphasis on the needs of external stakeholders when selecting and 
developing program participants.

3. Succession planning is sometimes thought of as simply a human 
capital issue, yet I noted in your report that some organizations have 
used it as a way to work past organizational boundaries and other 
barriers. Could you describe in greater detail some of the examples you 
have found in this regard?

Succession planning and management can help the organization become 
what it needs to be, rather than simply recreating the existing 
organization. In Canada, succession planning and management initiatives 
provide this broader perspective. Since 1997, as the basis for 
Ontario's governmentwide succession planning and management process, 
the head of each ministry is to develop a succession plan that (1) 
anticipates the ministry's needs over the next couple of years, (2) 
establishes a process to identify a pool of high-potential senior 
managers, and (3) links the selection of possible successors to both 
ministry and governmentwide opportunities and business plans. 
Similarly, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police's succession planning and 
management system provides it with an organizationwide picture of 
current and developing leadership capacity across the organization's 
many functional and geographic lines. It is responsible for a wide 
range of police functions on the federal, provincial, and local levels 
and provides services in 10 provinces and three territories.

4. We often hear about the importance of top leadership commitment to 
implementing management improvement initiatives. Can you describe some 
of the specific ways agency leaders demonstrated their commitment to 
succession planning and management initiatives in the agencies you 

In other governments and agencies, top leadership demonstrates its 
support of succession planning and management when it actively 
participates in these initiatives. For example, each year the Secretary 
of the Cabinet, Ontario's top civil servant, convenes and actively 
participates in a 2-day succession planning and management retreat with 
the heads of every government ministry to discuss the anticipated 
leadership needs across the government as well as the individual status 
of about 200 high-potential executives who may be able to meet those 

Top leadership also demonstrates its support of succession planning and 
management when it regularly uses these programs to develop, place, and 
promote individuals. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police's senior 
executive committee regularly uses the agency's succession planning and 
management programs when making such decisions of its top 500--600 
officer and civilian employees.

Lastly, top leaders demonstrate support by ensuring that their 
agencies' succession planning and management initiatives receive 
sufficient funding and staff resources necessary to operate effectively 
and are maintained over time. For example, at Statistics Canada--the 
Canadian federal government's central statistics agency--the Chief 
Statistician of Canada has set aside a percentage, in this case over 3 
percent, of the total agency budget for training and development, thus 
making resources available for the operation of the agency's four 
leadership and management development programs.

For additional information on our work on federal agency transformation 
efforts and strategic human capital management, please contact me on 
(202) 512-6806 or at

Sincerely yours,

J. Christopher Mihm:

Director, Strategic Issues:

Signed by J. Christopher Mihm:



[1] U.S. General Accounting Office, Human Capital: Succession Planning 
and Management Is Critical Driver of Organizational Transformation, 
GAO-04-127T (Washington, D.C.: Oct. 1, 2003).

[2] U.S. General Accounting Office, Human Capital: Insights for U.S. 
Agencies from Other Countries' Succession Planning and Management 
Initiatives, GAO-03-914 (Washington, D.C.: Sept. 15, 2003).

[3] U.S. General Accounting Office, Senior Executive Service: Enhanced 
Agency Efforts Needed to Improve Diversity as the Senior Corps Turns 
Over, GAO-03-34 (Washington, D.C.: Jan. 17, 2003).