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Looking at computers for $500 and thinking back to '95 when I bought a PC for $5000. I wouldn't even consider paying that now.
@shdowchsr Good luck - we'll be here thinking of you
Was trying to take a pic of @funston sans leash and he took off down 18th into traffic. He's ok but I think I'm gonna throw up
@Veronica I was just hating on my Mac. Smacking and swearing at it in fact. Perhaps I should be hating on FF. Switching to Safari
@kmcgivney I am incrediby jealous. Hope I can get to a Belgian bar in Dec. I like Duchesse De Bourgogne and Oud Beerst Kriek. @a ?
@officialpeta we were planning a Tofurkey but the husband didn't realize it needed 24 hours to defrost. So we had vegan chicken wings
Mimobots are 36% off between now and Monday. So if you are anti-Black Friday then you can still get one!
I think I'm hungry again. We did eat at the early bird dinner time. Now is the normal time I eat...
Super favorite new thing to make cartoons/vids etc. out of pics of @Funston!
@bromike666 You my friend are a badass for watching all the Alien movies. But, no Alien vs. Predator?
I'm stuffed. Stuffed with love. haha kidding. I would never say that. But the food was good and so are the peeps and the movies. Thx @ang!
I'm thankful for Adam Sandler and his Thanksgiving Song
I was contemplating buying a new laptop and discovered my ol' pal Hello Kitty has it covered. WANT!!
Pole Dancing on wheels (@alixito @sabrigley I thought of you)
Once again me and @seanbonner hook line and sinker peeps on Weird Fish. @brynn and @factoryjoe took the bait. The vegan cheesecake - yummy!
going home to get @seanbonner so we can try and get our cat out of the pokey. wish us luck. we may grab her and make a run for it
This is the only kind of turkey I'll be eating this weekend:
@finderic if you read the fine print, they work hard not to euthanize, but do. And so do many others.
@LordLucifer oops sorry. eight=right. I followed the system and now I can't get my cat back. If I lied, I would have her right now


Evan Williams Dan seanbonner Xeni Jardin Jay Goldman Mr Messina Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Buster McLeod David Crow Aubrey Sabala Cameron Walters eric L drew olanoff Veronica Keith Kevin Cheng Jeremy Keith Arshad Tayyeb Eddie Codel Mike Stickel Ryan King Jason Carlin eran Bob Moczydlowsky Jeff Croft cindy li Eris Stassi pixie Crystal Williams Silona marianne masculino Clintus McGintus Erica Douglass Coley Wopperer Mark Schoneveld