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Ceiling-to-floor prototypes of innovations++ Partly b/c they help 1) make vocab for new ideas 2) sight-smell bits that'll chase users away.
The Fisher King: "I just wish there were some way I could pay the fine and go home." What happened to LaGravenese that he wrote that line?
I actually hate my financial advisor. It's a depth of ill will I'm uncomfortable having.
Recumbent rest (a recreant release, really) required after recovering remarkable results of rare research.
Purple, mixed-size fonts in HTML email wasn't exactly what I was expecting from a private investigator.
If a multi-Pulitzered science author can send/check notes via Facebook then I sure as hell should have done likewise, campaign or no. @cw--
Unlikely to forgive the LDS church. Fear of change in church practice shouldn't have led to rights removal. A sick, cowardly milestone.
Prop 8: 54% to 46% in favor. This hurts deeply.
Thousands of staffers, volunteers, voters, and observers crying, laughing, disbelieving.
Confirmed: Obama won Pinellas county in Florida. Grateful.
Today is the only cold and cloudy day I've seen in Florida. My understanding is that this is a reverse omen.
Our office in St. Petersburg, FL for Obama was just robocalled by McCain. There's a room full of smirk right now.
If Obama loses Florida it's going to be because installing network printers in Windows is too damn difficult.
An organizer in our FL office for Obama SMS'd us from the hospital after her auto accident: "How many canvassers do I have out?" Driven.
@bryanmason There's a whole Republicans for Obama blog at and a campaign post with video endorsements at
Suddenly reminded of Carville's quote: "When your opponent is drowning, throw him an anvil." [paraphrased]
On a conference call with Barack Obama.
Sadness is: a voter with hand tremors asking my gay co-worker to help mark her ballot to remove rights of gay couples in FL. He did.
Pinellas county in Florida has more Dems than Repubs registered. 249,252 to 237,826 for diff of +11,426. Close race here. Sharp divisions.
Amazing moment of the week: Dying woman w/ metastasized cancer donating time to drive voters w/o cars to the polls.