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If Canadian politicians don't have to work for 7 weeks we should also get a break from having to listen to their incessant bullshit. Deal?
Eating breakfast foods for dinner because I can.
is updating his status using vlingo
Zero sleep and an unfortunate encounter with a crazed Jesus freak on the TTC makes me something-something. #señorcrankypants
@joedrew Office brew, or something you ventured out to purchase?
If you open up a nap centre in downtown Toronto I shall be there with cotton-stuffed bells on. Please?
Feel like I spent last night wedged between two large pillows. Wait a minute... THOSE WEREN'T PILLOWS! {sob}
@sheeshoo For me, having a kid turned me into a morning person. Before that, I wasn't human before 11am.
I just realized for those of you jonesing for gov't proportional representation: get used to coalitions. Majorities will be very rare.
Okay, enough about politics (for now). Back to staring blanking at dumbasses, bitching about life's effluvia, and endless fart jokes.
If the coalition can actually get some shit accomplished I'm fine with it. Better that than another election or the ongoing squabbling.
RT a ton of people on this excellent summary of what the hell is going on in Ottawa:
@movie_pundit Welcome to the daddy club, my friend!
@ryancoleman My guess is a rushed leadership appointment would not be seen as fair by all candidates, so Dion is the safe alt. Ironic.
@ryancoleman Because it's either Dion now or open up the whole leadership can of worms? If they do that, the coalition idea is dead.
Okay, Sugarsync overwrote changes on my laptop for the last time. Back to Dropbox. #beleted
The Conservatives did this to themselves, but I'm very skeptical that a Lib/NDP gov't will be any more stable. And Ignatieff gives me hives.


davegray Scott Beale David Crow President Monteiro Kevin Lawver George Kelly Dinah Sanders Dan Benjamin l.m. orchard Thomas Purves Kristin Jeremy Keith Dan Budiac dana j. robinson Hickensian Leia Scofield Kevin Smith Derek Featherstone Tom Coates chris pointon Rik Abel Veerle Pieters Joanna Sandy Andy Baio Scott Boms Grant Hutchinson rands John Gruber Josh Benton Alex Bischoff Kevin Smokler Gord Fynes Kathryn Yu Bethany Jeffrey Zeldman
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